William Devane, who plays “President James Heller” on Fox’s prime time 24: Live Another Day, told USA Today
that “obviously I’m a big fan of Obama, as a guy who’s smart and
articulate” and, in ...
The journalists at ABC and NBC on Monday couldn't manage to cover the revelation that the IRS lost two years- worth of Lois Lerner's e-mails. Yet, reporters on all three networks mourned the loss ...
On Thursday's The Lead on CNN, James Allen Fox used actual crime data to splash cold water on a liberal talking point claiming that mass shootings on the rise: "It's a horrific event when four, ...
On Monday, only CBS This Morning reported Friday's stunning revelation
that the IRS somehow lost two years worth of emails from Lois Lerner,
the official at the center of the agency scandal in ...
Jane Pauley, who campaigned for Barack Obama in 2008 as she declared “I want to see the cool, steady hand of Barack Obama on that Bible on Inauguration Day,” on CBS’s Sunday Morning
pleaded ...
During a Face the Nation interview with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, Bob Schieffer attempted to portray the GOP as being in a state of disarray and proceeded to compare them to the 1964 Republican ...