
Media Research Center

'Obvious Child' not About Abortion, Claims 1,700-Word Article on Abortion

Daily Beast praises abortion comedy while scolding Hollywood for not being pro-abortion enough.
Media Research Center

Even Jimmy Fallon is Taking Jabs at Obama Now

With his approval ratings dropping and numerous scandals swirling around him it could be argued that America is going through Obama Fatigue right now. And maybe the President himself is ...
Media Research Center

Networks Dance Around Mentioning President Obama When Discussing Increased Iraq Violence

Al Qaeda militants have seized control of two cities in Northern Iraq, including Mosul the nation’s second largest and Tikrit, the hometown of Sadaam Hussein. Despite the increased violence, all ...
Media Research Center

Amid Scandals and Crises, NBC Does Fawning Interview With 'Father-in-Chief' Obama

Despite Al Qaeda being on the rise in Syria and Iraq, numerous unanswered questions remaining about the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner exchange, and the ongoing VA scandal, NBC News decided to send ...
Media Research Center

Book: Research is Clear – Dads Matter

Paul Raeburn says absence of fathers clearly linked to societal problems.
Media Research Center

NBC Boosts Bloomberg Gun Control Group's Misleading Figure on School Shootings

Miguel Almaguer hyped on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News that "since the mass shooting in Newtown a year and a half ago, there's been at least 74 school shootings across the country – roughly one ...
Chris Matthews and Cynthia McFadden on the June 11, 2014 Hardball.

MSNBC's Matthews: 'Dead Broke' Was Mere 'Half Gaffe' by Hillary

Comparing Hillary Clinton's Hard Choices book tour to an "out of town play getting ready in New Haven," MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Wednesday night dismissed the former Secretary of State's ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Too Busy With O.J. Simpson Police Chase Anniversary To Cover V.A. Scandal

CBS Evening News was the only Big Three evening newscast on Wednesday to report that the FBI has opened a criminal investigation into the V.A. scandal. Neither ABC's World News nor NBC Nightly ...
Media Research Center

‘Hands Off My Cheese!’ Libs Panic About Fate of Cheese, FDA Caves

NYT, HuffPo and Slate turn on big government when it threatens one of their favorite foods.
Media Research Center

After Cantor Loss, Frank Luntz Declares: 'We Republican Pollsters Suck'

Appearing on Wednesday's CBS This Morning, Republican pollster Frank Luntz attacked his own profession following the surprising primary defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor: "Right now ...