In a brief on Tuesday's NBC Today, news anchor Natalie Morales
portrayed a minimum wage hike in Seattle as the first step toward a
nationwide increase: "Well, with talks across the country ...
In an interview with Dr. Ben Carson for Meet the Press's web-based feature Press Pass,
NBC host David Gregory dismissed Carson's call for "a government that
placed the Constitution of the ...
On his June 2 Hardball program, host Chris Matthews used new Obama EPA regs simply as an excuse to team up with his two liberal guests to blast Republicans as know-nothings on climate change who ...
On Monday, June 2, the Environmental Protection Agency formally announced a slew of new regulations aimed at reducing carbon emissions by coal plants by 30 percent over the next 15 years. Despite ...
A furious Ed Schultz on Monday questioned Ted Cruz's patriotism after the Senator spoke out against the prisoner swap deal that involved top Taliban leaders and a U.S. soldier. The Ed Show host ...
On Sunday's CNN Newsroom, Susan Candiotti slanted toward the liberal opponents of the Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati's updated morality clause for its schoolteachers. Candiotti played up how ...
While all three broadcast networks provided critical coverage of the
Obama administration's decision to exchange five Taliban terrorists for
American soldier Bowe Bergdahl, Meet the Press host ...