
Media Research Center

IRS Delays New Rules That Regulate Nonprofit Groups Like the Tea Party, ABC and NBC Spike News

The major news, announced on Thursday, that the IRS is going back to the drawing board on proposed rules that would’ve regulated political activity for groups like the Tea Party was ignored by ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Rose Sympathizes on VA Scandal: Is It 'Premature' to Call for Shinseki's Resignation?

CBS This Morning co-host Charlie Rose scored an exclusive interview with Chuck Hagel on Friday. But rather than grill the Secretary of Defense on the latest details of the Veterans Affairs ...
Media Research Center

NBC Promotes Snowden Interview: Is He a 'Traitor' or 'Patriot'?

After news broke on Thursday that NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams landed an exclusive interview with NSA leaker Edward Snowden, the network began running promos wondering whether Snowden ...
Media Research Center

CNN President: We Won't Be 'Shamed' Into Covering Benghazi Hearings By 'Temper Tantrums' from the Right

CNN President Jeff Zucker snottily sounded off to New York Times TV reporter Bill Carter against any complaining conservatives, proclaiming his network would not be “shamed into” covering ...
Media Research Center

CBS Touted Initial Democratic Opposition to Benghazi Committee; Barely Mentions Them Joining

In early May, CBS's morning and evening newscasts spotlighted congressional Democrats' vehement opposition to the formation of a select committee to investigate Benghazi, Libya during 10 minutes ...
Media Research Center

‘Climate Forecasts’ Full of ‘Pseudo-Science,’ Respected Scientist Claims

Prof. Bengtsson unloads on failed models and false predictions of extreme weather.
Media Research Center

Andrea Mitchell to Democratic Congressman: 'Why Even Play the Game' of GOP's Benghazi 'Witch Hunt'?

At the top of her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Thursday, host Andrea Mitchell proclaimed: "The Benghazi dozen, five Democrats now agreeing to join seven Republican inquisitors after failing ...
Media Research Center

National Catholic Reporter: Climate Change is ‘#1 Pro-Life Issue’

Left-wing NCR redefines ‘pro-life.’
Media Research Center

NBC's 'Today' Gives More Time to Malia Obama Driving Than VA Scandal; ABC's 'GMA' Edits Out Criticism of President

A day after President Obama finally reacted to the Veteran's Affair scandal after weeks of silence, NBC's Today could only manage a couple news briefs on the development, totaling forty-seven ...
Media Research Center

Alarmist Paul Ehrlich Predicts Need to ‘Eat the Bodies of Your Dead’

‘Population Bomb’ author calls for more abortions, accuses GOP of ‘stealing from poor’ and ‘trying to kill women.’