
Media Research Center

GMA Proclaims Chelsea Clinton’s Baby Will Help Hillary Counter Her ‘Cold And Calculating’ Image

Chelsea Clinton announced this week that she and her husband Marc Mezvinsky are expecting their first child, and the big three networks dutifully heaped enormous praise on the entire Clinton ...
Media Research Center

Gosnell Movie Tops $1 Million in Fundraising

Filmmakers strive to tell the true story of abortionist Kermit Gosnell.
Media Research Center

WGN Marks Easter with Devil Worshiping, Sex-Filled ‘Salem’

Premiere advertises witchcraft for religious holiday.
Media Research Center

No Skepticism as ABC and CBS Cheer ‘Major Milestone’ for ObamaCare

Both ABC and CBS carved out a few seconds on their Thursday evening and Friday morning newscasts to boost President Obama’s claims of success for his ObamaCare program. ABC World News anchor ...
Media Research Center

ABC on Chelsea Clinton's Pregnancy: 'Move Over, Prince George'; U.S. Has New 'Royal'

According to the liberal network journalists, being part of a Democratic family makes you "royalty." Reporters on ABC, CBS and NBC gushed over the announcement that Chelsea Clinton is pregnant. ...
Media Research Center

CBS, Bloomberg and Vox Attack Turbo Tax Owner

Media claim Intuit is trying to keep IRS tax code complicated, offer little evidence, hype Soros-funded group’s study.
Media Research Center

Not All Presidential Offspring Equal: Newscasts Which Ignored Bush Pregnancy Now Trumpet Chelsea Clinton’s

On Wednesday morning, December 12, 2012, Jenna Bush Hager Bush announced on NBC’s Today show that she was expecting. That evening, the NBC Nightly News allocated 33 seconds to the revelation ...
Media Research Center

Politico Reporter to Obama: Is it Time for Dems to Campaign 'Loudly' on ObamaCare? Will You 'Lead that Charge?'

At Thursday afternoon’s presidential press conference there were no questions about the latest IRS scandal developments or Benghazi, but the presser did give Politico’s Edward-Isaac Dovere a ...
Media Research Center

President's Publicity Machine: CBS Devotes Seven Minutes to Obama's 'Scary Powerful' Aide

After devoting 15 minutes to a Barack Obama interview in the last 24 hours, CBS piled on with another seven minutes devoted to a "scary powerful" top aide. Charlie Rose offered a puff piece on ...