
Media Research Center

NBC Hosts Excited 'Very, Very Impressive' Chelsea Clinton Might Run for Office

At the top of the 9 a.m. ET hour on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Natalie Morales seized on Chelsea Clinton answering a question she "gets asked all the time, just about every other day": "In ...
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore IRS Seeking Criminal Investigation of Tax-Exempt Groups; CNN Barely Reports

On Thursday morning's New Day, CNN reported the newest development in the IRS scandal that the broadcast networks ignored: the former IRS chief contacting the Justice Department about criminal ...
Media Research Center

Networks Amazed by Obama-Biden Selfie: 'They're Just Like Us!'

The network morning shows on Thursday were thrilled by Vice President Joe Biden joining Instagram on Wednesday and posting a selfie of himself with President Obama. On NBC's Today, co-host ...
Media Research Center

What the Networks Aren't Telling You About the Nevada Cattle Battle

The showdown between federal authorities and rancher Cliven Bundy is one of those rare topics from the libertarian-conservative news agenda that actually made its way into the establishment ...
Media Research Center

Five MRC Cartoons Featured in Best of Year Book

Glenn Foden’s BMI, CMI toons make grade.
Media Research Center

CBS Devotes 15 Minutes to Obama Interview: No IRS, Benghazi or Health Care

CBS News devoted 15 and a half minutes on Wednesday night and Thursday morning to an interview with Barack Obama. Despite April 15th having just passed, correspondent Major Garrett offered no ...
Media Research Center

Conan O'Brien Smears Pope Francis with Pedophile Joke

Conan O'Brien apparently couldn't resist making a pedophile priest joke on his TBS program on Wednesday, after Pope Francis took two school boys on a ride around St. Peter's Square during his ...
Media Research Center

Reefer Madness: Only 3 Percent of Pot Stories Mention Health Risks

As stoners call for education, networks leave users high (and dry). 
Media Research Center

NBC Touts Bloomberg's New Gun Control Group After Lamenting Big Money Politics Two Weeks Ago

Wednesday's NBC Nightly News featured an overwhelmingly positive profile of Michael Bloomberg's new gun control advocacy group. Almost the entire story featured quotes from Bloomberg and ...
Media Research Center

Veterans Blast NY Times Op-Ed That Stereotypes Them as Potential Domestic Terrorists

An unsigned Wednesday article in the Military Times spotlighted how veteran groups have rebuked the New York Times for an opinion piece that played up the recent shootings at two Jewish community ...