
Media Research Center

After Hyping Colorado's 'Marijuana Munchies,' CBS Belatedly Discovers 'Contaminated' Pot

Weeks after the journalists at CBS This Morning hyped the "cannabis capitalism" taking hold in Colorado, the network has come to the belated realization that pot can be "contaminated." The state ...
Media Research Center

Things That Make You Go Hmm: Arsenio Calls Out Brian Williams for Forgetting About the Black Host

Liberal reporters, particularly those at MSNBC, are quick to accuse conservatives of racism when it doesn’t exist so it’s particularly amusing when they’re accused of it themselves. Arsenio Hall, ...
Media Research Center

After Pushing Minimum Wage Hike, NBC and ABC Give 42 Seconds to Report Showing it Would Cost Jobs

While all three broadcast networks happily promoted President Obama's crusade to hike the minimum wage following his State of the Union address, NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America only ...
Media Research Center

Santelli Recalls February 2009: Bailout ‘Dissension was Born,’ ‘I Blew a Gasket’

CNBC on-air editor still critical of bailouts, acknowledges rant that helped launch the Tea Party movement.
Media Research Center

Rant That Launched Tea Party – and 4 More Amazing Ones from World’s Top Ranter

On anniversary of ‘Rant Heard ‘round the World,’ some of what Santelli does best.
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Ed Schultz, Who Called Laura Ingraham a 'Slut,' Huffs About Right-Wing Vulgarities

MSNBC, the cable network where Martin Bashir suggested someone should defecate down Sarah Palin's throat, the network that features a host who trashed Laura Ingraham as a "slut," has developed an ...
Media Research Center

Santelli: Five Years after His Rant Launched Tea Party

Obama and left lashed out at Santelli as ‘mad clown,’ ‘clueless’ and ‘out-of-touch,’ but he takes pride in role as grassroots catalyst.
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews: Communists Were Right, U.S. Run by Wealthy Elites

Chris Matthews quoted the communists on Tuesday to argue that the unlimited spending allowed by the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision is turning U.S. elections into a sham. "This is ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Ignore Estimate That Minimum Wage Hike Would Cost 500,000 Jobs; CBS Reports

CBS was the only network on Tuesday evening to highlight a CBO report that President Obama's proposal to hike the minimum wage would cost 500,000 jobs. The CBO report stated that despite an ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Brokaw: U.S. Anti-Communism Efforts During Cold War A 'National Obsession'

During NBC's Saturday coverage of the Winter Olympics, former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw spun the United States' worldwide campaign against communism during the Cold War: "In Korea, ...