
Media Research Center

Happy Valentine’s! Media Claim True Love = No Kids

Journalists hype “No Kids” couples.
Media Research Center

HuffPo: More Porn Means More Sex

Lefty site pushes ‘positive’ of pornography for Valentine’s Day.
Media Research Center

‘Gender is Too Binary’ for Facebook, Site Adds 48 More Options

Facebook’s transgender software designer praises new feature allowing users ‘customize’ their gender.
Media Research Center

CBS ‘This Morning’ Challenges Sochi Climate Change Hysteria

Olympians and warming alarmists cite Sochi's warm weather as evidence, ignore subtropical location.
Media Research Center

Comcast To Acquire Time Warner Cable

Purchase will add more influence to growing owner of NBC, MSNBC.
Media Research Center

NBC's Todd Claims Criticism of Latest ObamaCare Delay 'Doesn't Have A Lot of Legs'

Following President Obama's joint press conference with French President Francois Hollande on Tuesday, NBC chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd appeared on MSNBC to dismiss a question ...
Media Research Center

CBS Blames Global Warming for Harsh Winter Weather

As a snow storm beared down on the east coast on Thursday, CBS This Morning sought to lay blame on global warming, with the headline on screen fretting: "Extreme Weather; Are These Kinds of ...
Media Research Center

CNN Hypes ‘Global Warming’ as ‘Catastrophic Ice Storms’ Descend on Atlanta HQ

Climate alarmists continue to blame every possible weather event on global warming.
Media Research Center

Krugman: How Do I Love Spending Your Money? Let Me Count The Ways

Nobel Prize winning economist calls for increase in government spending 133 times.
Media Research Center

Columbia Journalism Prof Promotes Article Calling Israel an ‘Open-air Prison’ for Palestinians

Shihab-Eldin calls anti-Israeli propaganda piece ‘powerful.’