On Friday's CBS This Morning, former Time magazine managing editor Richard Stengel unexpectedly zeroed in on a part of Nelson Mandela's legacy that apparently wasn't sufficiently left wing. ...
After he conducted a fawning interview with Barack Obama on Thursday, Chris Matthews turned to his liberal journalist friends for adulation. Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman fawned over Obama ...
Filling in for host Chuck Todd on Thursday's MSNBC Daily Rundown,
Luke Russert suggested liberal calls for a hike in the minimum wage had
created a "tough issue for Republicans" and that by ...
Amid the tributes looking back at the life of former South African
President Nelson Mandela following his death on Thursday, Friday's NBC Today and ABC's Good Morning America both managed to ...
Chris Matthews received his long-desired wish on Thursday, an exclusive interview with Barack Obama. The Hardball anchor didn't exactly live up to the title of his show, wondering about Republican ...
On Thursday, ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning newscasts all spotlighted how "fast food workers across the country are holding strikes to demand higher wages," but failed to point out the involvement of ...
On MSNBC's All In with Chris Hayes show, host Hayes tagged opponents of President Obama's deal with Iran over its nuclear program as "extreme" and "nefarious' even while acknowledging that the ...
Touting the "huge problem" the GOP has with women voters, CNN dredged up
Mitt Romney's "binders full of women" remark from last year and asked
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor point-blank "Do ...
All three broadcast networks have, thus far, ignored the special treatment given to Onyango Obama, Barack Obama's illegal uncle who was arrested in 2011 on drunk driving. In contrast, however, the ...
On Monday, Rep. Darrell Issa, the chairman of the Oversight Committee investigating the IRS’s targeting of the Tea Party, made a stunning claim that the FBI was stonewalling his investigation. ...