
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd: White House 'Private Sector Velocity' Claim 'Indictment of Government As a Solution'

On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd noted that "the most interesting thing" in an Obama administration progress report on the malfunctioning ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Idea of ObamaCare 'Reality Check': Talk to Its Biggest Supporters

In a segment on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press that host David Gregory laughably billed as an ObamaCare "reality check," he invited two of the law's biggest supporters to deliver White House ...
Media Research Center

NBC Presents All-Positive Story on 'Shared Medical Appointments'

On Saturday’s Today, chief medical editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman presented a story on a new phenomenon that has popped up in some hospitals and clinics around the country: shared medical ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes: 'Republicans Sabotaged Healthcare.Gov'

On Wednesday's All In on MSNBC, during a discussion of how to deal with conservative relatives at Thanksgiving dinner, host Chris Hayes at one point seemed to claim that Republicans "sabotaged" ...
Media Research Center

Tortured Football Analogy: Ed Schultz Compares Obama to Auburn; Republicans are Alabama

Perhaps the White House told Ed Schultz to compare the administration to a powerhouse football team? On Monday's MSNBC program, the liberal host offered a most tortured analogy: Barack Obama is ...
Media Research Center

CNN Pundit Shrugs Off Obama's Lie: 'Every President Is Going to Lie to You'

On CNN Sunday evening, liberal ESPN columnist LZ Granderson justified the President's repeated lie about ObamaCare, claiming that Americans knew he did it for their own good. "And, time and ...
Media Research Center

Attkisson: Fast and Furious Whistleblower 'Rare Example' Amidst Obama's 'War On Leaks'

Sharyl Attkisson touted 'Fast and Furious' whistleblower John Dodson as "a rare example, especially amid the Obama administration's war on leaks" during a segment on Monday's CBS This Morning. ...
Media Research Center

Global Warming Alarmist Sam Champion Leaves ABC for Weather Channel: His Top 5 Most Unbelievable Quotes

ABC announced on Monday that weatherman and global warming alarmist Sam Champion will be leaving the network for the Weather Channel. Champion has developed a long history of the most hyperbolic ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Panel: Detroit is GOP's Fault, 'Not a Single Thing' Obama Couldn't Do

On Wednesday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, during a discussion of Republican Mike Murphy's suggestion that the next GOP convention should be in Detroit, host Al Sharpton and Karen Finney blamed ...
Media Research Center

Liberal Civility: Cardinal Is ‘Bullsh*tter,’ ‘Blowhard’ on Gay Marriage

Jezebel Attacks Dolan over gay marriage remarks.