
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Wolffe Lauds Hillary's 'Monumental Effort' to Fix Bush's 'Mess'

On Wednesday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, Executive Editor Richard Wolffe credited Hillary Clinton with a "monumental effort" in "recovering from" the Bush administration's ...
Media Research Center

We Can’t Have Nazi Demonstrations Because of ‘Jewish Extremists,’ says Palestinian University President

State Dept-funded school says creation of Israel the real tragedy of the Holocaust.
Media Research Center

Blackout: NBC Censors All Coverage of ObamaCare for Days

NBC News has completely censored any mention of the unfolding ObamaCare disaster for the last 72 hours. Not one word about the millions of Americans losing their health insurance nor the ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Williams Ignores Obama Omitting 'Under God' From Gettysburg Address

On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams noted President Obama and the four former living presidents reciting the Gettysburg Address to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Abraham ...
Media Research Center

Dems Hold 'Closed-Door Discussion' with NFL, NBA, NHL to Promote Climate Change Agenda

NFL, baseball and others asked what they are 'doing to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.'
Media Research Center

Ed Schultz, Judge of Patriotism: Michele Bachmann 'Is Anti-American'

MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz declared his patriotism court in session again on Wednesday and found another conservative guilty. The liberal host repeatedly smeared Michele Bachmann as "anti-American." ...
Media Research Center

CNN Accuses Ted Cruz of Being 'Dangerous' With 'Political Spin' on ObamaCare

A day after a high-ranking Medicare official estimated that "30 to 40 percent" of ObamaCare's federal exchange hasn't even been built more than a month after its rollout, CNN's Chris Cuomo ...
Media Research Center

CMS Official Says '30 to 40 Percent' of Federal Exchange Not Working; CNN Ignores

On Tuesday and Wednesday, CNN ignored a bombshell revelation that "30 to 40" percent of the online federal exchange has not been completed almost two months after its rollout. CNN prefaced the ...
Media Research Center

NBC Finds No Time for Ongoing ObamaCare Disaster, But Plenty for Obamas' First Date

After censoring any coverage of the continuing ObamaCare disaster since Monday morning, NBC did manage to find time to cover Michelle Obama's fashion choices and the First Couple's first date on ...
Media Research Center

CBS Reveals 'Major Task' Remains of Creating ObamaCare Infrastructure; ABC, NBC Censor

Wednesday's CBS This Morning stood out as the only Big Three morning show to spotlight Henry Chao's stunning revelation to Congress – that a significant portion of the I.T. infrastructure needed ...