
Media Research Center

NBC: Polar Bears Like 'Passengers on the Titanic' Because of Global Warming

Teasing an upcoming story on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams warned of "the habitat of the polar bears melting earlier and faster than ever" and promised "a jaw-dropping look ...
Media Research Center

CBS Spotlights House GOP Hammering ObamaCare Managers; ABC, NBC Minimize

On Wednesday's CBS Evening News, Nancy Cordes zeroed in on the three Republican congressmen who grilled top administration officials during a hearing on ObamaCare, ballyhooing that "none of them ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Berman Scoffs at ObamaCare Repeal; 'The Plan Passed'

After President Obama's Thursday press conference on his ObamaCare "fix," CNN's John Berman declared the ObamaCare debate over and pushed Republicans to cooperate in fixing it. "That was the ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Todd: There Were Always Going to Be 'Small Number of Losers' Under ObamaCare

Appearing on Thursday's NBC Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd matter-of-factly declared that ObamaCare was always going to be a bad deal for some Americans: "There are always ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Ed Schultz Justifies Obama Lying About Health Care: 'People Were on the Fear Fence'

The increasingly agitated Ed Schultz on Wednesday both justified lying to Americans about being able to keep their insurance and, at the same time, berated the very concept of "appeasing" the ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Wolffe Finds GOP 'Excluding' People As It Gets 'More Male and Older and Whiter'

On MSNBC's PoliticsNation show, Executive Editor Richard Wolffe -- formerly of Newsweek -- recounted that the Republican base is getting "more male and older and whiter," and asserted ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Major Garrett Grills President on ObamaCare Debacle: Where's the Accountability?

CBS journalist Major Garrett grilled Barack Obama at a White House news conference, Thursday. On the subject of ObamaCare's disastrous rollout, the reporter repeatedly zeroed in on what the ...
Media Research Center

Beyond Spin? Networks Unload on ObamaCare: An 'Embarrassing,' 'Botched' 'Resounding Thud'

At least for Thursday, the network morning shows admitted that ObamaCare is an "embarrassing," "botched" failure that has landed with a "resounding thud." ABC, CBS and NBC offered blunt, stark ...
Media Research Center

ABC, CBS Notice Obama's 'Lowest Ever' Approval Rating; NBC Out to Lunch

On Tuesday, ABC's World News and CBS Evening News both reported the latest poll numbers from the "respected" Quinnipiac University, as CBS's Scott Pelley labeled the institution, regarding ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Gupta Compares ObamaCare Plans to 'Ferrari'

Once again, CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta cast President Obama's "you can keep your health care plan" lie as something much more innocent. On Tuesday's Piers Morgan Live, he stated, "I think with ...