
Media Research Center

HuffPo Cites Sex Toy Maker Survey to Push Porn to Women

Porn good for women’s relationships, sex, according to site.
Media Research Center

CBS Report Mirrors Left-Wing Group’s Pipeline Press Release

Hard to tell difference between what liberal organization says and what CBS says about TransCanada.
Media Research Center

NBC Ignores 'Brutal' Poll for President, Latest Bad News on ObamaCare Debacle

Despite a running time of four hours, NBC's Today show on Tuesday skipped a blistering poll for Barack Obama and the latest news about the disastrous rollout of the President's health care law. ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Norah O'Donnell Badgers Scott Walker on 2016 Election, Immigration

Norah O'Donnell and Charlie Rose unsurprisingly conducted a hostile interview of Scott Walker on Monday's CBS This Morning. The two anchors, who have a long record of hammering ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Ignore D.C. Insurance Commissioner's Firing; CBS Covers

Monday's CBS This Morning is the sole Big Three newscast so far to cover the firing of William P. White, a day after the now former D.C. official criticized President Obama's plan to let insurers ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Slimes Dick Cheney as a Racist for Calling Obama a 'Liar'

A scandalized Chris Matthews on Friday railed against Dick Cheney for having the audacity to call out Barack Obama's "lie" on Americans being able to keep their health insurance. Naturally, the ...
Media Research Center

With White House in Crisis, NBC Brings On Robert Gibbs to Spin for Obama

After playing a clip of Saturday Night Live mocking President Obama's "embattled second term" on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie sympathetically observed: "I guess if you're at ...
Media Research Center

Sarah Silverman, Lizz Winstead Host Telethon for TX Abortions

Big names gather for infanticide and laughter.
Media Research Center

MSNBC: GOPers Opposing ObamaCare Are Like Hurricane Katrina

Appearing as a guest on Friday's PoliticsNation, MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry asserted that Republican opposition to ObamaCare was "creating a faulty levee system in our health care" as she tried ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Forgets Widespread Liberal Hype of 'Debt Slavery' in Palin Attacks

Martin Bashir attacks Palin For debt slavery comments, ignored left’s use of term.