After NBC refused to even mention ObamaCare since November 18, Saturday's Today
allowed left-wing MSNBC host Chris Matthews to actually blame
Republicans for the program's ongoing failures: "I ...
ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today on Friday
did their best to downplay Senate Democrats' Thursday move to curtail
the Republican Party's filibuster power. The two newscasts devoted a ...
After going 72 hours without even mentioning ObamaCare on its air waves, NBC's continued refusal to cover the disastrous policy on Thursday's Nightly News or Friday's Today
brought that total up ...
A prime time plug Thursday night for the joy of voting for Barack Obama.
“I’m really into this. You know, elections and voting, it really means a
lot to me. I mean, casting my ballot for Obama ...
The cover for the December 2 issue of Time magazine has been
released and it’s a brutal shot at the failed ObamaCare rollout.
Underneath a picture of a broken pill with the words “Obama Care” ...
Chris Matthews appears to have a Mad Libs-style list of the worst insults he hurls at conservative. On Wednesday, he chose "verbal terror" to smear everyone on the right who disagrees with all of ...