
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Wolffe: Ted Cruz 'Inflaming' 'Fringe' Who Are 'Racist'

On Tuesday's PoliticsNation, Executive Editor Richard Wolffe accused Texas Senator Ted Cruz of "encouraging, inflaming and yes, flirting" with "fringe elements" who are "very ugly" and ...
Media Research Center

Not Subtle: ABC Touts Cocaine Arrest of 'Conservative' 'Tea Party' 'Republican'

ABC's Good Morning America may be many things, but subtle isn't one of them. George Stephanopoulos and Pierre Thomas on Wednesday made sure to point out to viewers that it was a "conservative," ...
Media Research Center

NYT, WaPo, TIME: America Must Pay for Causing the Typhoon

Media, liberals insist US pay billions for ‘climate change’ related damage.
Media Research Center

NBC Ignores Challenges to New Cholesterol Guidelines

After networks promote misleading information, all correct story except NBC.
Media Research Center

On 'Tonight Show,' Bush and Leno Take Jabs at NBC

Appearing on Tuesday's Tonight Show, former President George W. Bush got a laugh from the audience with this one-liner: "We've always had such great relations with NBC." Host Jay Leno added to the ...
Media Research Center

Daily Beast's Beinart Says Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage 'Deny the Most Basic Rights'

The panel on Monday's AC360 Later included three NYC liberals and was unanimous in its support of same-sex marriage. The topic was the spat between Liz and Mary Cheney. "I don't think you can ...
Media Research Center

Harvey Weinstein Says on CNN 'Obama's Not Embarrassing; the Country Is Embarrassing'

On Friday night's Piers Morgan Live, Obama donor Harvey Weinstein excused President Obama's insurance lie as a "mistake" and said that America is "embarrassing," not President Obama. "[T]his is ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Guest Tucker: GOP 'Pandered to' 'Bigots,' 'Racists', 'Homophobes'

Appearing as a guest on Monday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, syndicated columnist Cynthia Tucker charged that Republicans "pandered" to "bigot" and "homophobes" in the 2004 presidential election, and ...
Media Research Center

Comedian Rips into MSNBC; Calls Sharpton ‘Pig,’ ‘A**hole’

Jim Norton, on HuffPostLive, attacks liberal hypocrisy on race and political correctness.
Media Research Center

The Nets: Only CBS Notes Duncan’s ‘White Suburban Moms’ Remark

Other networks ignore Education Sec.'s insult.