
Media Research Center

NBC Host: Has Sebelius 'Separated Herself' from ObamaCare Failure? 'Is Her Job Safer?'

On Sunday's NBC Today, co-host Lester Holt wondered if Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius had "successfully separated herself now from this trouble" with the ObamaCare website ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Logan Lets Benghazi Witness, Stevens' Advisers Cut Through Obama 'Misinformation'

On Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS's Lara Logan bluntly pointed out how the September 11, 2012 Islamist attack on the U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya "have been overshadowed by misinformation, ...
Media Research Center

Ready for 2016? Chris Matthews Admits to 'Giggling' With 'Playful' 'Girlish' Hillary Clinton

Liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews, who famously admitted to a "thrill" that Barack Obama sent up his leg, on Friday praised the "girlish" and "playful" Hillary Clinton. The Hardball anchor ...
Media Research Center

NBC Frets: Nobel-Prize-Winning 'Rock Star' Obama Now 'Subject of Europe's Scorn'

Showing more concern for President Obama's popularity than the national security implications of the latest leaks in the NSA spying scandal, on Monday's NBC Today, chief foreign affairs ...
Media Research Center

Update: Pink Slime Case Sent to State Court

ABC News’ request for a dismissal denied by South Dakota federal judge.
Media Research Center

1 Year Later: Media Link Climate Change, Sandy Every Single Time

Networks rely on politicians like Gore, Bloomberg to push agenda.
Media Research Center

Soros Boasts of Spending $100 Million on U.S. Immigration Reform Push

Abortion, Obamacare, gay rights get support from Immigration Reform Groups receiving Soros dollars.
Media Research Center

USA Today Editor-in-Chief Assures: ‘In the End, Fiasco Will Be a Footnote’

David Callaway, Editor-in-Chief of USA Today, is so upset by Republicans using the roll-out mess to discredit ObamaCare, that he penned an op-ed for Friday’s edition of the ...
Media Research Center

CBS: Horror Story Discredits Obama's 'Reassuring Phrase' About Keeping Health Plans

Thursday's CBS Evening News poured cold water on President Obama's now-infamous "if you like your insurance plan, you will keep it" promise. Scott Pelley noted how the President has "repeated one ...
Media Research Center

Name That Party: ABC Skips Dem ID of Gubernatorial Candidate at Underage Drinking Party

All three networks on Thursday night and Friday morning highlighted the photographs of a gubernatorial candidate from Maryland at a teen party that featured underage teens and drinking. Yet, ABC ...