Hours after President Obama lectured Republicans about governing, CNN
boosted his agenda by ordering conservatives and the Tea Party to
"lighten up" on Thursday's The Situation Room. "So while ...
In an interview with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on his Thursday night
show, CNN's Piers Morgan sounded just like a Democratic strategist. Morgan told the Democrat that "you sound eminently ...
Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Friday continued his efforts to assign blame for what he called the "Ted Cruz shutdown." This prompted the Texas senator to shoot back: "A lot of the media did" ...
As the government shutdown was nearing it's end Wednesday evening, NBC
Nightly News anchor Brian Williams conducted a live interview with John
McCain, urging the Arizona Senator to slam fellow ...
On Wednesday's PoliticsNation, MSNBC.com Executive Editor Richard
Wolffe asserted that Republicans like Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert "should
never have been elected [to] office in the first ...
On Thursday's CBS This Morning, Sharyl Attkisson revealed a new debacle involving the smuggling of weapons into Mexico on the Obama administration's watch. Attkisson pointed out how "a grenade ...
Norah "we shouldn't editorialize" O'Donnell boosted President Obama mere seconds after the liberal politician finished his Thursday presser about the end of the partial government shutdown. The ...
Chris Matthews is convinced the conservative opposition to Barack Obama isn’t about opposition to big government spending but race. Appearing on MSNBC, right after the President delivered his ...
Liberal cable anchor Chris Matthews on Thursday sneered at conservatives Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, trashing their "white" "minority" base. The Hardball host also defined a patriot as someone who ...