After NBC spent weeks painting congressional Republicans as the villains who caused the government shutdown, on Thursday's NBC Nightly News,
anchor Brian Williams opened the broadcast by smugly ...
According to Chris Matthews, a new NBC poll showing bad poll numbers for the Republican Party is comparable to "Watergate." Finding that Americans blame Republicans over Democrats for the shutdown ...
In an interview with Senator John McCain for The Daily Beast's annual Hero Summit
on Thursday, the blog's editor-in-chief Tina Brown launched into an
unhinged rant blaming conservatives for ...
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's The Last Word, executive editor Richard Wolffe joined MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell in tagging Tea Party Republicans as "crazies" as O'Donnell fretted ...
On Wednesday's The Last Word on MSNBC, host Lawrence O'Donnell opened the show by calling Republicans "frighteningly ignorant" and "childish" because of the battle over the debt ceiling issue. ...
MSNBC reporter Luke Russert on Thursday found the need to gratuitously connect the anniversary of John Kennedy's assassination with a possible GOP extension of the debt limit. Appearing on Now ...
Charlie Rose's 18-second news brief on Thursday's CBS This Morning is the sole Big Three network mention so far of the Obama administration's decision to review the cases of dozens of terror ...
Wrapping up a report on the government shutdown for Thursday's NBC Today,
White House correspondent Peter Alexander eagerly promoted negative
political fallout for Republicans: "Both parties ...