On Monday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes devoted a segment to blaming a "fatal flaw" and "quirks" in the U.S. Constitution for making it possible for government shutdowns to happen, as he ...
One way to know if a journalist is asking a softball question is when the President of the United States compliments the reporter after he or she asks it. That happened twice on Tuesday as Barack ...
Appearing as a guest on the Monday, October 7, All In with Chris Hayes on MSNBC to promote the film, 12 Years a Slave, screenwriter John Ridley seemed to blame America for taking slavery and ...
Appearing on Andrea Mitchell's MSNBC 1 p.m. ET hour show on Tuesday,
Wisconsin Congressman Sean Duffy slammed the press for not doing its job
in pointing out the hypocrisy of ObamaCare being ...
CNN scored an exclusive interview with a "Fast and Furious" whistleblower on Tuesday morning, and New Day co-host Chris Cuomo was intent on letting his guest tell his story that the Obama ...
CNN's legal analyst Jeff Toobin thinks Justice Antonin Scalia is stuck
in the 1950s on social issues but Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is up to
date with today's citizens. The entire Court is a ...
On Friday's Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, Dan Rather poured cold water on Wendy Davis' chances of winning the Texas gubernatorial race, but maintained a glimmer of hope: "I'm not predicting she'll ...
ABC's mid-morning talk show The View has repeatedly featured anchors and guests who promote the debunked 9/11 truther movement. That tradition continued on Tuesday as conspiracy theorist Jesse ...