
Media Research Center

MSNBC Guest Joan Walsh Calls Limbaugh 'Racist Troll'

Appearing as a guest on MSNBC's PoliticsNation on Monday, Joan Walsh of Salon magazine tagged Rush Limbaugh as a "racist troll" after a clip of the conservative talk radio host criticizing ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Uses Bogus Picture to Bash Beef

‘News Nation’ hypes Politico story on return of lean beef to some school lunches.
Media Research Center

NBC Gives More Time to Hillary Clinton Getting an Award Than to Benghazi Anniversary

In news briefs on Tuesday and Wednesday, NBC Today anchor Natalie Morales touted: "Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be given the National Constitution Center's Liberty Medal for ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Anchor and 9/11 Truther Toure Denies He's a 9/11 Truther

MSNBC anchor Toure on Wednesday insisted that he was not a 9/11 truther, despite having several tweets indicating otherwise. After being confronted on Twitter, the Cycle anchor denied, "But I am ...
Media Research Center

Nets Blast 'Dangerous' Growth of Income Gap Between Rich and Poor, Forget Who's President

All three networks on Tuesday and Wednesday touted a new report showing the gap between the wealthiest one percent of Americans and everyone else has grown to its widest level since the Great ...
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore John Kerry's Refusal To Let Benghazi Survivors Testify to Congress

The Big Three network morning shows on Wednesday briefly noted the one-year anniversary of the Islamist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, but not one pointed out the latest ...
Media Research Center

Politico Back to Sliming Lean Finely Textured Beef

As beef returns to some schools Politico attacks the product ABC damaged in 2012.
Media Research Center

Wolf Blitzer Goes Easy on Obama; Ignores CNN's Poll, Kerry's Gaffe

In his Monday interview with President Obama, CNN's Wolf Blitzer failed to ask any tough questions of the President. In contrast, Fox News's Chris Wallace grilled Obama over the ...
Media Research Center

Diane Sawyer Ready to Credit Obama's 'Tough Stand' With 'Getting a Dictator to Back Down'

Barack Obama appeared on all three networks (as well as CNN, FNC and PBS) Monday night to try and salvage support for his planned strike against Syria. But it was World News anchor Diane Sawyer ...
Media Research Center

Cyrus Video Takes another ‘Wrecking Ball’ to Hannah Montana

Infamous photographer directs naked video.