
Media Research Center

New MSNBC Ad Appropriates Martin Luther King to Push 'Dream' of Liberal Hosts

MSNBC commercials have a long history of explicitly touting the network's liberalism. But a new ad combines that style with the exploitation of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech. In the ...
Media Research Center

As Benghazi Anniversary Nears, NBC's Williams Skips Topic in Susan Rice Interview

On Tuesday, just days before the one-year anniversary of the September 11, 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams conducted an exclusive interview with White ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Panel Goes After GOP for 'Obama Derangement Syndrome,' Forgets Bush Hatred

On Tuesday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, Dana Milbank of the Washington Post and MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor joined host Al Sharpton to lambast the GOP for suffering from "Obama Derangment ...
Media Research Center

Soros-Funded ProPublica Also Has Secret Snowden Documents

Reuters makes no mention of ‘independent’ organization’s liberal leanings.
Media Research Center

CBS Hypes 'Big Star Power' Promoting ObamaCare Exchanges

On Wednesday's CBS This Morning, Jan Crawford boosted the latest pro-ObamaCare campaign from the President's supporters in Hollywood. Crawford played back-to-back soundbites from liberal comedian ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Guthrie to Rumsfeld: Do You Take 'Responsibility' for 'Specter of Iraq' 'Looming' Over Syria?

In an exclusive interview with former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie attempted to blame the Bush administration for President Obama's ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Slams Obama's 'Disastrous' Syria Plan: 'We'll Be Killing Poor People'

Chris Matthews channeled his inner-Helen Thomas on Tuesday, railing against Barack Obama's "disastrous" plan for military action against Syria. The Hardball host mocked the proposed goal of ...
Media Research Center

CBS Highlights Benghazi Anniversary; Fails to Mention Obama and Hillary By Name

Tuesday's CBS This Morning spotlighted the upcoming one-year anniversary of the Islamist attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, but whitewashed the role of President Obama and ...
Media Research Center

NBC Political Editor: If Hillary Were Running in Virginia, She'd Be Winning by a Landslide!

On Tuesday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, NBC senior political editor Mark Murray dismissed the notion that if Democrat Terry McAuliffe lost the closely contested Virginia governor's race, it would ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Sharpton Mocks O'Reilly Retraction and Questions 'Accuracy'

On Friday's PoliticsNation, MSNBC's Al Sharpton used Bill O'Reilly's recent retraction and apology to mock the FNC host by suggesting that The O'Reilly Factor generally lacks accuracy. After a ...