On Wednesday's PoliticsNation, MSNBC host Al Sharpton not only accused FNC's Bill O'Reilly and other right-leaning hosts of "distorting" the actions of Democrats on the issue of racial ...
CNN's Arwa Damon scored an exclusive interview with a suspect in the
Benghazi attacks, yet CNN chose to air it only once. Aside from a brief
mention of it on Thursday morning, the network ...
During a panel discussion on Thursday's NBC Today about comments from Pope Francis
on homosexuality, co-host Matt Lauer asked the group of usual liberal
pundits if the Pontiff's remarks were a ...
ABC and NBC on Thursday continued to fret over the implications the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal will have on Hillary Clinton. Today's Matt Lauer worried, "By association, does this do damage to ...
During a panel discussion on Thursday's NBC Today about some school
districts arming teachers to defend against mass shootings, fill-in
co-host Carson Daly teed up New Jersey American ...
On Tuesday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, host Al Sharpton complained that a "war on the poor" has been "launched" by the right, prompting Washington Post political reporter Nia-Malika -Henderson to ...
ABC and CBS both failed to point out San Diego Mayor Bob Filner's Democratic party affiliation on their Wednesday morning newscasts. Good Morning America devoted just one 17-second news brief to ...