CNN hasn't covered developments in the IRS targeting scandal for eleven days, since correspondent Dana Bash claimed on July 25 there was "no
evidence" the White House was involved. State of the ...
CNN's Carol Costello blamed Congress for Friday's jobs report and
laughed at House Republicans who will shut down the government if
necessary to defund ObamaCare. In a Facebook post, Costello ...
Salon’s Andrew O’Hehir has fingered the main culprits behind Detroit’s
bankruptcy. According to him, it’s none other than Fox News host Sean
Hannity and all his fellow racist conservatives who ...
Nightline co-anchor Cynthia McFadden on Wednesday spent the entire show investigating the possible closing of the last remaining abortion clinic in Mississippi. For a series that's devolved into a ...
Appearing on Thursday's PoliticsNation, MSNBC's Krystal Ball accused conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh of "racism" and "sexism" and charged that "He is offensive in every way you can be ...
Late Thursday, news broke of the State Department ordering numerous U.S.
embassies across the Middle East closed on Sunday, August 4 due to
terror threats from Al Qaeda. While the Big Three ...