The host of CNN's Inside Man, Morgan Spurlock, actually marched with
immigrant activists pushing for immigration reform on Sunday night's episode "Immigration." Most of the show
sympathized ...
CNN's Early Start should have been re-named "DNC TV" on
Tuesday. Anchors omitted almost every controversial detail about
Democrats, showing no such love for Republicans. While CNN reported ...
CBS This Morning suddenly discontinued identifying San Diego Mayor Bob Filner as a Democrat on Tuesday, after including his political affiliation in two previous reports on the allegations of ...
On Monday's All In with Chris Hayes, MSNBC political analyst Michael Eric Dyson, a sociology professor at Georgetown University, declared that George Zimmerman has become a "patron saint of the ...
In a contentious exchange with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press,
moderator David Gregory lectured the Republican for writing a letter to
the NFL opposing ...
On his 11 a.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Monday, host Thomas Roberts
condemned America's current social contract as being "so wrong,"
launching into an angry rant about the supposed persecution of ...