
Media Research Center

ABC Ignores Democratic Affiliation of San Diego Mayor Accused of Sexual Harrassment

For the third time in a week, ABC's Good Morning America failed to identify a politician involved in sex scandal as a Democrat. Amy Robach reported on Friday that "accusations of sexual harassment ...
Media Research Center

Jezebel: Down Syndrome Babies ‘Live Terrible Lives’

Wacky feminist site complains about saving child.
Media Research Center

NBC and CBS Ignore Democratic Hypocrisy on Anti-Filibuster Nuclear Option

While NBC and CBS covered Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell having a "war of words" over GOP opposition to some of President Obama's nominees, ...
Media Research Center

‘American Atlantis’: Rolling Stone Imagines End of Miami Due to Climate Change

Contributing editor uses outlandish predictions to say ‘Goodbye Miami’ from 24-foot storm surge.
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes: FNC and Conservatives Treating Black Americans Like Zimmerman Treated Trayvon Martin

On Wednesday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes complained of a "right-wing trope about the specter of racial violence" if George Zimmerman is acquitted, and suggested that FNC hosts like Bill ...
Media Research Center

CBS Plays Up 'Inevitable' Presidential Run of Hillary; Hypes Celebrity Endorsements

Thursday's CBS This Morning boosted a super PAC aimed at supporting a potential Hillary Clinton presidential run in 2016, and spotlighted how Mrs. Clinton is "sticking to a speaking circuit that ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Cuomo Lectures Congress on 'Leadership,' Implores Them to Plug Pathway to Citizenship

CNN's Chris Cuomo has tossed aside journalism in the name of advocacy. He begged Congress to "fix" rising student loan rates, and now the New Day co-host insists that "leadership" means Congress ...
Media Research Center

CNN Contributor Whacks Pro-Life Group for Criticizing Portman's Gay-Marriage Support

GOP strategist Ana Navarro is a CNN regular and self-proclaimed "big tent Republican." On Wednesday, she took aim at a pro-life group for being "incomprehensible" in opposing Sen. Rob Portman's ...
Media Research Center

Forget Scandals or Egypt, NBC Discusses Obama's Favorite Food

Rather than update viewers on the latest details of the scandals plaguing the Obama administration, or the President's foreign policy failures in the Middle East, the hosts of NBC's Today ...
Media Research Center

HBO to Produce Anti-Prop 8 Documentary

New film hails gay marriage as modern “American revolution”