CBS, NBC and ABC on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning highlighted the delay of the ObamaCare employer mandate as a "surprising," "significant setback" for the President. News anchor Brian ...
On CNN's Monday night special "The N Word," guest Tim Wise claimed that
the Supreme Court used that racial slur against all black Americans
through its rulings on the Voting Rights Act and ...
Far-left MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes on Monday night jokingly compared conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh to a repressive, brutal dictator. The host reported that Jennifer Lopez had preformed for ...
In the latest episode of CNN's Inside Man, new host Morgan
Spurlock attacked those who bought guns in the wake of the Newtown
shootings, and told Americans they don't "need" AR-15 rifles or ...
Appearing as a guest on Saturday's The Ed Show on MSNBC, actor George Takei omitted "under God" as he started quoting from the Pledge of Allegiance during a segment in which the gay rights ...
The Big Three networks still can't get enough of Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, nearly a week after her extended filibuster against pro-life legislation on June 25, 2013. All three brought on ...
Eleanor Clift let the liberal media hype surrounding Wendy Davis go to
her head as she boldly predicted the Texas Democratic State Senator's
filibuster on abortion would “turn the state baby ...