
Media Research Center

The New Yorker Celebrates Gay Marriage with Bert and Ernie Cover

‘Sesame Street’ characters in domestic bliss; HuffPo wants them outed.
Media Research Center

CBS Fawns Over Pro-Abortion State Senator Turned 'Political Star' in Texas; All But Encourage Her to Run for Governor

Thursday's CBS This Morning heralded pro-abortion Texas State Senator Wendy Davis as a "new star in Democratic politics" for her "marathon filibuster that went viral". Charlie Rose and Norah ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes Celebrates 'Sweet, Sweet Victory' of Gay Marriage Ruling

On Wednesday's All In show on MSNBC, host Chris Hayes opened the program rejoicing over the "sweet, sweet victory" of the Supreme Court ruling against the federal Defense of Marriage Act, calling ...
Media Research Center

Anderson Cooper Plugs Texas Legislator's Pro-Choice Filibuster; Asks Her If She'll Do It Again

CNN's Anderson Cooper gave a soft interview on his June 26 show to Texas Democratic state senator Wendy Davis, "a hero to some in the fight over abortion." Her accomplishment? She "took a stand ...
Media Research Center

Lefties Say Marriage Ruling Not Pro-Gay Enough

One-Sided Huffpo panel in a huff about Scotus decision.
Media Research Center

'Today' Show Panel Praises Pop Culture Being 'Ahead of the Courts' on Gay Marriage

Leading off a panel discussion on Thursday's NBC Today applauding the Supreme Court's gay marriage decisions, co-host Natalie Morales proclaimed: "Wednesday's historic ruling on same-sex ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes Hypes 'Absolutely Epic' Filibuster by Texas Democrat to Defend Abortion

On Wednesday's All In show, host Chris Hayes celebrated a filibuster by Texas Democratic State Senator Wendy Davis to thwart the passage of a bill restricting abortion, calling her 11-hour ...
Media Research Center

CBS Trumpets 'Long Night of Celebrating' Over Prop 8 Ruling; Spotlights Same-Sex Couple's Ring Ceremony

CBS This Morning led its Thursday broadcast with overwhelmingly slanted coverage on the Supreme Court's pro-same-sex "marriage" rulings. Ben Tracy played up the "long night of celebrating in West ...
Media Research Center

USA TODAY: Hollywood ‘the best man of gay marriage?’

Paper hails pop culture for clearing path for SSM.  
Media Research Center

Rainbow Rapture: Networks Cheer Gay Marriage Rulings with 86 Percent Favorable Coverage

Wall-to-wall celebratory coverage on ABC, CBS and NBC.