
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Gushes: 'Transparent' Bill Clinton Is Just Like Mobster 'Icon' Tony Soprano

According to pop culture-obsessed Chris Matthews, a good comparison to TV "icon" Tony Soprano is Bill Clinton. While discussing the untimely passing of actor James Gandolfini, the Hardball anchor ...
Media Research Center

Morning Shows Hype 'High Expectations' of Obama Speech, Ignore Lackluster Performance

President Obama's speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin was much anticipated by the network morning shows on Wednesday. On ABC's Good Morning America, Jonathan Karl announced: "Expectations ...
Media Research Center

Petulant MSNBC Crew Sneers at 'Shameless,' Mindless,' 'Stunning' Sean Hannity

A sneering group of MSNBC hosts and analysts on Thursday berated Sean Hannity for his "mindless" anti-government attitude, mocking him as "pathetic." The Fox News host gave an interview to Playboy ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes: 'GOP's Jihad on Those in Need Gets Uglier Every Single Day'

On Wednesday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes again claimed that House Republicans are waging a "jihad" in trying to cut the food stamp program, asserting that "the GOP's jihad on those in ...
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore 'Audit the IRS' Rally; Minimize Coverage of $70 Million in IRS Bonuses

The Big Three all punted on covering the Capitol Hill "Audit the IRS" rally on their Wednesday evening and Thursday morning newscasts. CBS This Morning played a four-second soundbite of Senator ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes 'Stunning Revelation' That Drones Were Used Inside U.S., Forgets That It Covered This in February

ABC's Good Morning America on Thursday deemed the admission by the FBI that they have used drones inside America to be a "stunning revelation." Yet, news reader Josh Elliott somehow managed to ...
Media Research Center

NY Times Fawns Over Bill Nye: ‘Warrior for Science’

Scientific critics of Nye’s climate claims get no attention in Times profile of activist ‘Science Guy.’ 
Media Research Center

‘Daily Show’ Scoffs at Idea of Pro-Gay Bullying

HuffPo hypes ‘hilarious’ Samantha Bee mocking Christians who point out pro-gay violence.
Media Research Center

MSNBC: Obama and Merkel Are the New 'Ronnie and Maggie'; Matthews Sees Conspiracy to Push Hillary 2016

MSNBC's Chris Matthews and his liberal guest on Wednesday thrilled over the relationship between Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Washington Post writer Eugene Robinson even ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Todd Excuses Obama's Poor Speech Performance: Crowd Too Small, 'It Was Hot'

Appearing on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Wednesday, NBC's chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd came up with a long list of excuses for President Obama's poor speech performance in ...