
Media Research Center

Networks Hype Sequester Slashing 'Desperately Needed Money' to Fight Wildfires

Saturday's CBS Evening News ballyhooed the "enormous strain on resources" that the budget sequester has apparently put on extinguishing a massive wildfire in Colorado. Carter Evans played up how, ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Mitchell Disses Cheney to Defend Obama on NSA Snooping

In a report on Monday's NBC Today about new leaks from National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell took a jab at former Vice ...
Media Research Center

HuffPo High-Schooler with Lesbian Moms Feels Left Out of Father's Day

Teen “Activist” wants to scratch gender-specific holidays off the calendar.
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes Sees 'Ridiculous Clownish Antics' in GOP, Lauds Brewer for 'Put[ting] Down the Clown Horn'

On Friday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes compared conservatives to clowns as he praised Republican Governor Jan Brewer for breaking ranks with conservatives and pushing for the ...
Media Research Center

Billionaires Want to End Capitalism As We Know It

CNBC Europe promotes nonprofit seeking to ‘build a better version of capitalism.’ 
Media Research Center

NBC, CBS Skip Obama-Supporting IRS Agent, ABC Allows 22 Seconds

ABC on Monday allowed a scant 22 seconds to the latest revelation in the scandal engulfing the Internal Revenue Service. NBC and CBS have, thus far, ignored the newest detail. The Associated Press ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Panel Sees 'Hate' in Limbaugh 'Mantra,' Conservatives Are in 'Echo Chamber'

On Friday's PoliticsNation, MSNBC's Karen Finney asserted that Rush Limbaugh's "overall mantra" is "us versus them and hate in general," as she responded to a clip of the conservative talk radio ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Panel Slams 'Shameless' GOPers on Food Stamps

On Thursday's PoliticsNation, MSNBC host Al Sharpton complained about "shameless" Republicans trying to cut food stamp benefits and creating "a whole bunch of ugly names for people who need a ...
Media Research Center

CNN Fawns Over Chelsea Clinton And Her 'Extraordinary Parents'

CNN loves the Clintons. After running a Hillary puff piece on Thursday, CNN fawned over Chelsea on Friday morning's Starting Point. Michaela Pereira, co-host of CNN's new morning show New Day, ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Panel: 'Limbaugh Cohort' 'Don't Like' Hispanics, Are 'Haters of These People'

On Thursday's The Last Word show on MSNBC, host Lawrence O'Donnell and MSNBC contributor Joy Reid asserted that Republicans who oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants are "haters of" and "don't ...