On Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer described how President Obama was "trying to move past" the scandals
plaguing his administration. In the report that followed, chief White
House ...
The reporters at Good Morning America on Friday continued White House damage control efforts on the growing scandal involving the Internal Revenue Service targeting conservative groups. Former ...
CNN's senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin complained on Thursday morning's Newsroom that there's too much "hysteria" over the
IRS scandal and that it really may not have been that big of a story ...
On Wednesday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes boosted the efforts of convicted felon Tim DeChristopher as he interviewed the environmental activist who served two years in prison for making ...
Thursday's CBS This Morning did its best to shift blame away from President Obama on the IRS, Justice Department, and Benghazi scandals currently surrounding his administration. Bob Schieffer shot ...
On Thursday's NBC Today, in a desperate attempt to deflect from
the scandals engulfing the Obama administration, co-host Savannah
Guthrie wondered: "I read a headline yesterday that said ...
The journalists at Good Morning America on Thursday floated the idea that Barack Obama is poised to move on from the Internal Revenue Service scandal. One day after the President announced the ...