
Media Research Center

AlterNet: Pets ‘Public Enemy Number Two’ Due to ‘Negative Impact’ on Climate

Left-wing website decries pets’ massive ‘carbon paw prints.’
Media Research Center

NBC: Obama Set to 'Make Good On a Promise to Sidestep Congress'

On Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie framed President Obama's upcoming executive order granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants as him simply keeping his word: "President ...
Media Research Center

Nets Cover Women’s Basketball Team Stuck in Blizzard – Forget to Mention THIS

Team prays to survive blizzard.
Media Research Center

CBS Yet To Acknowledge Pres. Obama’s Executive Order Flip-Flop

On Wednesday, the White House announced that President Obama is scheduled to issue an executive action on Thursday night that could potentially prevent up to 5 million illegal immigrants from ...
Media Research Center

Only 50% Of Scientists Blame Mankind for Climate Change In New Study

Purdue University research casts doubt on so-called global warming consensus.
Media Research Center

CBS and NBC Parrot WH Argument on Previous Presidential Immigration Policies as Grounds for Amnesty

On Wednesday night, CBS and NBC promoted the White House talking point that previous presidential actions on immigration gives President Barack Obama the proper legal authority to enact executive ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Brings on 9/11, JFK Conspiracy Theorist Jesse Ventura to Slam Keystone

According to MSNBC, as long as you tout left-wing talking points, it doesn't matter what kind of conspiracy theories you subscribe to. Ronan Farrow on Wednesday hyped the "fascinating" views of ...
Media Research Center

CBS Boosts 'Sharp Response' to Pope From Mother of Euthanasia Advocate

Wednesday's CBS This Morning played up how "the Vatican is under fire from the mother of a woman who ended her own life." Jan Crawford's spotlighted Deborah Ziegler's "sharply-worded letter" ...
Media Research Center

'Daily Show' Notices Gruber Scandal Before 'NBC Nightly News'

While NBC Nightly News has failed to mention Jonathan Gruber's scandalous comments about ObamaCare for eleven days, Comedy Central's fake newsman Jon Stewart devoted eight minutes to the ...
Media Research Center

Media Commit ‘Cultural Imperialism’ in UN Report Pushing Abortion for Teens

Steven Mosher accuses media of taking ‘radical position that age of consent laws should be abolished.’