
Media Research Center

Russell Brand Connects Income Inequality to Ferguson

$20 million far-left actor also promotes wealth redistribution, claims U.S. and U.K. governments are ‘run for corporations.’
Media Research Center

Shock: ABC Grills Obama on Executive Order Flip Flop

In a surprising twist, ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday grilled Barack Obama for flip-flopping on whether he has the legal authority to issue an executive order on immigration. Before ...
Media Research Center

Book Review: Strategies for Surviving Scandal in the Internet Age

In his book “Glass Jaw,” Eric Dezenhall discusses how to react to the growing power of the internet and instant scandals.
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd Excuses Lack of Gruber Coverage: ‘What Is the News Today of That?’

Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director and moderator of Meet the Press, appeared on Newsmax TV’s The Steve Malzberg Show on Tuesday, November 18 to discuss a variety of issues including the ...
Media Research Center

Stewart Calls Out Pelosi on Hypocrisy: ‘Just as Politically Craven as Male Counterparts’

The liberal talk host doesn’t buy ‘precedent’ excuse over Duckworth vote.
Media Research Center

Washington Post: When Will GOP ‘Stop Worrying and Love Obamacare?’

Post suggests Obamacare’s ‘biggest obstacle’ is ‘public image,’ ignores premium hikes, downgraded enrollment forecasts.
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Omit Mention of Vulnerable Democrat Landrieu in Failed Keystone Senate Vote

While all three major broadcast networks covered the failed vote in the U.S. Senate to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline on Tuesday night, ABC and NBC neglected to mention that political ...
Media Research Center

NBC Nightly News Keeps Quiet on Gruber as ABC’s World News Tonight Finally Covers Story

On Tuesday night, NBC Nightly News continued its streak of ignoring comments made by ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber into an 11th day while ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir finally ...
Media Research Center

‘Not True, Not Funny’: Tiger Woods Slams Fake Interview That Makes Him Look Like a ‘Jerk’

Athlete calls Golf Digest’s media ethics and integrity into question.
Media Research Center

Gen. Honore Jabs the Media: 'People Like You' Driving Chaos in Ferguson

On Monday's AC360 on CNN, retired Lt. General Russel Honore rebuked the media's coverage of the ongoing controversy surrounding the police shooting of Michael Brown. Anderson Cooper raised how ...