
Media Research Center

Flashback: Video Mocks Michael Mann in ‘Hide the Decline’

Leaked ClimateGate emails prompt Minnesotans for Global Warming to ridicule prominent global warming alarmist.
Media Research Center

Breakfast Cereal Contributes to Rape Culture -- Hilarious Video Mocking Feminism

Maybe it is possible to parody modern feminists.
Media Research Center

Lefty Media Slam TIME for Suggesting a Ban on ‘Feminism’

‘Ban Bossy’ hypocrisy rises.
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd's Blunders: Liberal Host Kept Imagining Democratic Wins in 2014

When it comes to political prognosticating, Chuck Todd in 2014 erred repeatedly as he imagined Democratic victories and Republican missteps with conservative legislation. On August 1, ...
Media Research Center

ABC and NBC Again Skip Gruber; CBS Allows a Scant 13 Seconds

The blackout of Jonathan Gruber and his ObamaCare deceptions continued on ABC and NBC, Friday morning. CBS allowed a scant 13 seconds to the highly embarrassing videos of the health care law ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Goofs: 'Pro-Communist,' 'Right-Wing Radicals' Assault U.S. 'Soldiers' in Turkey

On Thursday's Daily Rundown on MSNBC, Jim Miklaszewski misidentified the political ideology of the protesters that attacked three American sailors in Istanbul, Turkey. Miklaszewski reported that ...
Media Research Center

Mark Cuban: Net Neutrality Regulations Parallel ‘Ayn Rand Books’

Businessman tweets that Internet is ‘working,’ government shouldn’t interfere.
Media Research Center

Brian Williams = 'If Walter Cronkite and Jon Stewart Had A Baby'

NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams was inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame Thursday night and received an introduction from rock star Bruce Springsteen, who proclaimed: "To paraphrase a ...
Media Research Center

ABC and NBC Continue to Blackout Gruber Video; CBS Ignores Clip of Pelosi Praising Gruber in 2009

As ABC and NBC continued to censor any mention of the disparaging comments made by ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber from their Thursday night newscasts, CBS aired second story on Gruber with ...
Media Research Center

Andrea Mitchell to EPA Chief: How Will You Handle GOP 'Climate Deniers'?

In a softball interview with Environmental Protection Agency administrator Gina McCarthy on Thursday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell teed up the Obama administration official to dismiss legitimate ...