
Media Research Center

Politico: ‘The Democrats’ Favorite Denier’ Senator Jim Inhofe

With the GOP set to officially take control of the United States Senate in January, Politico decided it was the perfect time to play up Democrats’ criticism of Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), ...
Media Research Center

Columnist, NARAL Tweet ‘Flag of Reproductive Freedom’

Connie Schultz reinvents the flag in her own image.
Media Research Center

War On What? ‘Friends’ Actress Dumbfounded When Maher Asks About ‘War on Women’

Liberal host’s question met with crickets and a blank stare.  
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd Laments Obama As 'a President Whose Potential Wasn't Realized'

On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd began writing Barack Obama's political obituary, but did so in the most sympathetic way possible. Lauer cited a ...
Media Research Center

Nets Cheered ObamaCare 'Sign-Up Surge,' But Bury New, Low Numbers

In March, all three networks heralded a "sign-up" surge in ObamaCare numbers ahead of a deadline. Yet, when the administration announced on Monday that the number of people who enroll in the ...
Media Research Center

CBS Gives Bill Nye Platform to Denounce Those Who ‘Deny’ Climate Change

On Tuesday morning, Bill Nye “The Science Guy” appeared on CBS This Morning to promote his new book, and used his platform as an opportunity to trash individuals who question the existence of ...
Media Research Center

15 Most Touching Pictures of Veterans

Military Photos on Pinterest.
Media Research Center

Chevron Attacker Still the Hero in Rolling Stone Hit Job

Liberal ‘journalist’ glosses over ghostwritten scientific reports, court rulings, RICO case and bribery to blast oil company.
Media Research Center

Veterans Recall: Chaplain Sacrificed Life for Fellow Marines

Fr. Vincent Capodanno died serving U.S. Marines in Vietnam.
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Refers to Meeting of Pro-Israel Group Backed by Adelson as a ‘Whore Bar’

During his MSNBC program on Monday night, Chris Matthews referred to a weekend gathering of the Israeli American Council (IAC) that is backed by Las Vegas casino owner and Republican donor Sheldon ...