
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd Defends Obama’s ‘Bitter Americans’ ‘Cling to Guns or Religion’ Comments

Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director and moderator ofMeet the Press, appeared on NPR’s Diane Rehm Show on Tuesday November 11, to promote his new book The Stranger: Barack Obama in the White ...
Media Research Center

Media, Planned Parenthood Share ‘Birth Control Song’

Bedsider hosts second annual birth control day.
Media Research Center

Networks Excited By 'Landmark,' 'Major,' 'Big' Climate Deal

All three networks on Wednesday offered excited descriptions about a global warming deal struck with China by the Obama administration. According to Good Morning America's Jim Avila, the ...
Media Research Center

Did Chuck Todd Say Too Much About MSNBC?

Chuck Todd, NBC News Political Director and moderator of Meet the Press, just released his latest book The Stranger: Barack Obama In the White House chronicling the Democrat’s first six years as ...
Media Research Center

Lib Bloggers Defend Springsteen’s Anti-War, Anti-Military Songs at Vet’s Day Concert

Unhappy veterans just in denial of their victimhood.
Media Research Center

NBC's Today Ignores GOP Winning 53rd Senate Seat, Discusses World’s Largest Corn Maze Instead

Early Wednesday morning, Republican Dan Sullivan officially defeated incumbent Senator Mark Begich (D-Alaska) more than a week after Election Day. With the victory, the GOP now has 53 Senate seats ...
Media Research Center

Former Purity Ring-Wearer Jonas: ‘Sex an Important Part of a Healthy Life’

We get it Nick, you’re all grown up now.
Media Research Center

HuffPo Writer: GOP Won by ‘Treason’

Disagree with liberalism? Traitor!
Media Research Center

NBC Channels Obama and Points to Low Turnout for GOP 'Wave' in 2014 Midterms

On Tuesday, NBC Nightly News channeled President Barack Obama from the day after the midterm elections and pointed to the low voter turnout for the election that saw Republicans gain control of ...
Media Research Center

CBS’s Nancy Cordes Again Bemoans Spending by ‘Dark Money Groups’ in Midterms

Following a story on campaign spending ahead of the midterm elections on October 30, CBS News congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes filed a similar report on Tuesday night’s CBS Evening News ...