
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Video of ObamaCare Architect Crediting Law’s Passage to ‘the Stupidity of the American Voter’

On Friday, the group American Commitment uploaded a video to YouTube of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber telling a group of healthcare economists in 2013 that the “lack of transparency” ...
Media Research Center

Government-Funded NPR Boosts '5 Tips To Get the Most Out of Obamacare'

On Monday, NPR's health blog touted a pro-ObamaCare item from Kaiser Health News, which is a program of the left-leaning Kaiser Family Foundation (and a partner of the public radio network). ...
Media Research Center

NBC Hails Obama's 'Historic Choice' for Attorney General; Touts Sharpton Support

Introducing what amounted to a White House press release on Saturday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Lester Holt opened the broadcast by parroting President Obama's praise for attorney general nominee ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Cuomo Unsure About Bin Laden 'Having to Lose [His] Life'

CNN's Chris Cuomo expressed his nagging doubt on Monday's New Day about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. Co-anchor Alisyn Camerota boasted, "I find it satisfying to hear about his last ...
Media Research Center

NBC Frets Over GOP 'Vowing to Undo' Obama's 'Most Treasured Accomplishment'

Worrying about President Obama's lame duck status following major Democratic Party losses in the midterm election, on Sunday's NBC Nightly News, White House correspondent Kristen Welker ...
Media Research Center

‘Fox & Friends’ Calls Salon’s Attack on U.S. Military ‘Despicable’

Vile op-ed draws anger from viewers, hosts.
Media Research Center

Stevie Wonder Pushes Politics at Madison Square Garden Concert

From the ‘Shut Up and Sing’ File ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes 'Explosive' Claim That Jesus Was Married With Kids

The journalists at ABC News get very excited whenever a new book attempts to undermine Christianity. On Monday, the reporters at Good Morning America hyped "shocking new claims" that Jesus Christ ...
Media Research Center

GMA Promotes Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Program

On Monday, ABC’s Good Morning America provided First Lady Michelle Obama’s school lunch program, entitled the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, with some free publicity. Co-host George ...
Media Research Center

Class: Nicki Minaj Putts into a Butt for ‘Tribute to Scotland’

Low-brow meets ‘Royal and Ancient.’