
Media Research Center

Only NBC Notices Rand Paul's Midterm Meme #HillarysLosers

Of the three network morning shows on Thursday, only NBC's Today highlighted Kentucky Senator Rand Paul's viral social media meme, #HillarysLosers, which pointed out that every Democratic ...
Media Research Center

Alternet Freak-out: Bruised, Bloodied by GOP Bully Brigade

Oh the poor victims of electoral politics!
Media Research Center

Nancy Cordes Badgers Speaker Boehner on ‘Hell No’ Members of GOP Caucus

During his post-election news conference, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was repeatedly pressed by CBS News reporter Nancy Cordes about “a new crop of conservatives coming into the ...
Media Research Center

CNN: 'Democrats Probably Rightly' Blame McConnell for Gridlock in DC

On Wednesday's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN's Dana Bash pointed the finger at Senator Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans for the "dysfunction" in the federal government. Bash asserted that ...
Media Research Center

ABC Spins Obama as 'Taking His Medicine' on Midterms

The journalists at Good Morning America on Thursday spun Barack Obama's post-midterm press conference as "taking his medicine," hyping a jokey response by the President about having a drink with ...
Media Research Center

Al Hunt On GOP’s Midterm Win: ‘Republicans Have Been Nothing But Negative’

On election night, the PBS program Charlie Rose had an all-liberal panel to whine about the Democratic Party’s electoral losses throughout the country and complain that President Obama didn’t ...
Media Research Center

NBC: GOP Broke 'Truce' With Obama By Vowing ObamaCare Repeal Vote

On Thursday's NBC Today, White House correspondent Chris Jansing blamed Republicans for upsetting the supposed conciliatory mood in Washington following Tuesday's GOP midterm wave: "Well, what ...
Media Research Center

PBS Journalist: GOP Midterm Victories Mean Americans Have ‘Turned Their Backs on the Planet’

The latest in the annals of hyperventilating, far-left, excessive environmental panic turned into personal demonization. When results came in Tuesday night which put Republicans into the ...
Media Research Center

Vanden Heuvel: ‘Rising American Electorate’ Uneasy When Dems Dissed Obama Before Midterms

During MSNBC’s All In with Chris Hayes, the show’s panel fretted over the droves of Democrats that ran campaigns against President Barack Obama in the midterm elections (instead of embracing him) ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Chris Matthews, of All People, Slams Obama for Being Surrounded by 'Sycophants'

President Obama’s problem is that he’s surrounded by sycophants who tell him what he wants to hear, not what he needs to hear. That was the post-election analysis of none other than… Chris ...