
Media Research Center

Leonardo DiCaprio’s Latest Alarmist Film Demands 100% Renewable Power

Short film ignores economics of renewables as celebrity environmentalist continues his green crusade.
Media Research Center

Media Praise Lesbian Actress for Bashing ‘Creepy Christians, Conservatives’ in Shouting Match with ‘Homophobic’ Preacher in Viral Video

Preaching is ‘awesome’ when it’s slamming Christians and praising gays.
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer Lectures GOP: Opposing Obama 'Is Not A Policy'

Following the big Republican wave in Tuesday's midterm election, on Wednesday, Today co-host Matt Lauer immediately demanded that the new GOP-controlled Congress capitulate to President Obama: ...
Media Research Center

TMI from Cosmo: ‘Fifty Shades’ Actress Likes Whipping During Sex

Rita Ora tells Cosmo she likes being whipped.
Media Research Center

ABC Insists ‘The Republican Brand Is Still Very Damaged’

Despite the Republican Party taking control of both houses of Congress as well as winning additional governors races, ABC’s Good Morning America made sure to throw some cold water on the GOP ...
Media Research Center

Liberal CNN Analyst Laments ‘Best Campaigner’ Dems Have in Obama ‘Locked Away in the WH’

Early Wednesday morning, liberal CNN political commentator Cornell Belcher groaned during CNN’s midterms elections coverage that the Democratic Party’s top campaigner in President Barack Obama was ...
Media Research Center

Andrea Mitchell Slams 'Scary,' 'Non-Factual' GOP Ads

Appearing on MSNBC, Tuesday night, for election returns, anchor Andrea Mitchell angrily denounced Republican ads on Ebola as "scary" and "non-factual." Hardball host Chris Matthews lamented that ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd Denies GOP Wave Election, Then Changes His Mind

During NBC News’s 10:00 p.m. Eastern midterms elections coverage, NBC News political director and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd emphasized that the 2014 midterms were not a Republican wave, ...
Media Research Center

Denial: Tom Brokaw Claims No 'Big, Ideological' Win for GOP

Despite the Republicans dramatically retaking the Senate, increasing their majority in the House and upping the number of GOP governors, veteran NBC journalist Tom Brokaw on Tuesday night ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Costello Plays Up GOP's 'Campaign of Fear' in Midterms

CNN's Carol Costello hyped how "Republicans have managed to use fear so successfully in these midterm elections" during interviews of two former governors on Tuesday's CNN Newsroom. Costello ...