Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

Pro-Kerry Media Expose Their Partisanship

ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC Ignored or Disparaged Swift Vets Against Kerry but Hype Anti-Bush Charges

CBS Belittles Bush but Fawned Over Kerry

Republican Convention, Day 4: "Compassionate Conservatism" Mantra Rings Hollow to CBS Reporter

Decrying Miller's "Ugly" "Raw Meat" Speech

Republican Convention, Day 3: ABC's Stephanopoulos Hears Echoes of 1992 Houston Convention

Bozell: Don't Believe The Myth of Democratic Politeness in Boston - Press Release - September 2, 2004 - Media Research Center

Bozell: Don't Believe The Myth of Democratic Politeness in Boston

Brokaw: Platform Doesn't Speak to Women

Republican Convention, Day 2: MSNBC Reporter Suggests "Compassion" = Supporting Gay Marriage

Network Anchors Insist Theres Not Enough Bad News at Republican Convention - Press Release - September 1, 2004 - Media Research Center

Network Anchors Insist Theres Not Enough Bad News at Republican Convention

Reporters Shocked by Anti-Kerry Band-Aids

Republican Convention, Day 1: CNN's Aaron Brown Scolds GOP Speakers' Focus on National Security

Network Reporters Attack Moderate Speakers as Part of GOP Convention Con Game - Press Release - August 31, 2004 - Media Research Center

Network Reporters Attack Moderate Speakers as Part of GOP Convention Con Game