Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

Mitchell Tags Toomey as 'Conservative' Four Times in 50 Seconds, Leaves Sestak Unlabeled

In the span of a mere 50 seconds on Thursday's NBC Nightly News, Andrea Mitchell managed to apply a conservative ideological tag four times to Pat Toomey, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate ...

Newsweek's Alter Tries to Prod Independents, Pleading: 'The GOP's Agenda Has to Be Stopped'

"We're so eager to promote ourselves with the smartest take on how President Obama and the Democrats got themselves in this pickle that we haven't done a good job explaining the stakes," ...

Ex-NBC Reporter Valeriani Bounds on Stage to Rail Against 'Obstructionist' GOP

"The Center for Public Integrity's 20th anniversary dinner at the Newseum was wrapping up Thursday night," the Washington Post's "The Reliable Source" column reported in Tuesday's newspaper, "when ...

Hume Excoriates NPR's 'Howling Double Standard' and Intolerance for a 'Bill Cosby Liberal'

On Fox News Sunday, Brit Hume condemned NPR for its "howling double standard" in firing Juan Williams for expressing an opinion, a standard "manifestly not being applied to other NPR people." He ...

Krauthammer Directly Challenges Totenberg on NPR's 'Hypocrisy' in Firing Juan Williams While Letting Her Opine Freely

"Why is it okay for Nina to express opinions, as she has tartly, sharply, unashamedly and openly" while serving as "an honored correspondent" for NPR, while Juan Williams, "because he expresses ...

On Maher, Rob Reiner Equates Tea Party to Hitler: 'All They're Selling is Fear and Anger and That's All Hitler Sold'

Friday night on HBO, actor/director Rob Reiner contended all the Tea Party needs to match Hitler is a charismatic leader: "He was charismatic and they were having bad economic times ' just like we ...

Williams Harangues Christie from the Krugman Left, Pleads for More Spending: 'Couldn't You Find the Money?'

Brian Williams touted New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as a "star" on "the rise" in the Republican Party before adding a "however" and haranguing him from left over his opposition to massive ...

NBC Advances Democratic Agenda on 'Secret Money' from Rove's 'Network' that Means Return to 'Watergate, Wild West Days'

Thursday's NBC Nightly News led, yes led, with a lame attempt to advance the desperate Democratic spin about the "secret fortune" going into campaign ads leading to "a return to the days before ...

Nets Use Ginni Thomas' Apology Request to Scold Her Conservative Political Efforts

In broadcast network stories on how Ginni Thomas left a phone message for Anita Hill, the network journalists couldn't resist scolding her for her conservative political activity. "Ginni Thomas ...

CBS 'Political Analysis' Showcases Democratic Demagoguery About Nazi Republicans

A month ago, CBS News hired ex-Al Gore operative Jamal Simmons, a self-described "strong supporter of Barack Obama's campaign," as political analyst, and Tuesday night he charged "voters are ...

ABC Chastises 'Nasty' McCain for 'Vicious' Attack on Boxer, Not So Upset by Slap at O'Donnell as 'Nut Job'

"With just 16 days left, it is getting nasty out there," ABC reporter David Kerley asserted Sunday night, scolding Republican Senator John McCain because on the campaign trail he "dropped ...

Amanpour: Tea Party an 'Extreme' Departure from Reagan's Conservatism; Campaign Spending Bad for Democracy

ABC's Christiane Amanpour on Sunday discovered "a long and venerable tradition of conservatism in this country" exemplified by Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley, but she only showed that ...

NBC's Todd Asserts 'Weaker' Tea Party Nominees Give Democrats 'Fighting Chance' to Hold Senate

NBC's Chuck Todd conceded "the Tea Party has been helpful to the GOP in both re-branding the party away from Bush and giving it a real grassroots component," but he insisted, "this Tea Party ...

ABC and CBS Exploit Senate Race They Obsess Over to Regurgitate Ridicule for Palin

Airing rare stories on a U.S. Senate debate, ABC, CBS and NBC all ran full reports Thursday night on the only race they repeatedly find newsworthy, one in which the Republican is behind by ...

'Brace' for No Change: AP Frets Steady Social Security Payments Mean Seniors Forced to Buy 'Cheap Whiskey'

The consumer price index is holding steady, so that means no "cost of living adjustment" upward in Social Security payments in 2011, prompting the Associated Press to distribute on Monday night a ...

Paul Krugman on ABC Compares 'Centrist Moderate' Obama to 'Irrational' Tea Party

Columnist Paul Krugman was tactful as ever as a panelist on ABC's Sunday political talk show "This Week": "There are some seriously strange people running, thanks to the Tea Party."

ABC's This Week: Europe Not Socialist Enough and Needs to Spend More, 'Centrist Moderate' Obama v 'Irrational' Tea Party

Europe isn't socialist enough for ABC's Christiane Amanpour, who pushed French's finance minister about how "prominent" economists say "it needs more stimulus," and later New York Times columnist ...

NBC Nightly News Airs Duplicitous Case Against Anti-Democratic Candidate Campaign Ads

Friday's NBC Nightly News delivered a fabricated case against the peril of unfettered campaign ads as Brian Williams claimed those from "outside political groups...contain outright lies," yet as ...

Obama's Approval Plummeting and GOP Surges in Generic Ballot, So CBS Sets Out to Discredit Tea Party

A new poll found the public rejecting President Obama and Democrats ' so CBS focused on discrediting the legitimacy of the Tea Party. Katie Couric teased: "A CBS News poll finds support for ...

With Republican Groups Outspending Democratic Ones, CBS Upset by Speech from 'Outside Groups'

It's okay for the news media to attack a candidate, but not for citizens to join together to buy TV ads criticizing one ' especially if more of those ads attack Democrats than Republicans. ...