Brent Baker

the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bio) Washington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here. (On archive of 2014; archive of June-December 2013; archive of Jan. 2012 through June 2013).

Author Articles

Aaron Sorkin Takes to CNN's Parker Spitzer to Denounce Palin as 'An Idiot,' 'Jaw-Droppingly Incompetent and Mean Woman'

Aaron Sorkin came aboard the Monday premiere of CNN's Parker Spitzer to promote the new movie, The Social Network, for which he wrote the screenplay, but used more of his air time to spout his ...

ABC's Moran Giddy Over Kagan: 'Ready,' 'Confident,' 'Fluent' and Has 'Some Real Pop on Her Fastball'

ABC's Terry Moran trumpeted new Justice Elena Kagan: "The one word that leapt to my mind was 'ready,'" touting how "she was confident and well prepared and fluent and probing" and, at one moment, ...

Amanpour Promises 'All Sides,' Yet She Skews Debate as She Charges 'Islamophobia' Spurs Anti-Muslim Violence

After two shows featuring six advocates of the Ground Zero mosque, ABC on Sunday decided to air a "special This Week town hall debate, Holy War: Should Americans Fear Islam?" Christiane Amanpour ...

NBC Uses Paladino's 'Thug' Behavior to Denounce the 'Mean Season in Politics'

Advancing the Democratic-liberal effort to discredit Tea Party-favored candidates as unhinged cads, Thursday's NBC Nightly News elevated a heated exchange, between New York gubernatorial candidate ...

Gallup: Distrust in Media Hits New High and Three Times as Many See Media as 'Too Liberal' Over 'Too Conservative'

"For the fourth straight year, the majority of Americans say they have little or no trust in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly," Gallup reported Wednesday. Gallup ...

NBC Forced to Admit More See Tea Party as Good and Want ObamaCare Repealed - And They're MSM Viewers

NBC couldn't avoid reporting that a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found "the change that voters want" includes 54 percent who "hope that this Tea Party enthusiasm in the Republican Party ...

Sawyer and Woodward in Awe of Obama Protecting Nation, Fret He's Saddled by Bush's Malfeasance

Acting as if President Barack Obama is uniquely burdened by the responsibility of protecting the nation from a terrorist attack, Diane Sawyer and Bob Woodward marveled at how he's taken on the job ...

Amanpour Rues Lack of Appreciation for Obama's 'Amazing' Achievements, Then Slams 'Bizarre' & 'Fringe Quality' of GOP Candidates

Interviewing David Axelrod on Sunday's This Week, Christiane Amanpour asked him to explain why "people don't appreciate some of the amazing legislative agenda" that Barack Obama has ...

Flashback to 1994: Brokaw Declared Contract with America 'Long on Promises, But Short on Sound Premises'

With Republicans set to unveil their "Pledge to America," a look back at how then-NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw derided the Contract with America when it was announced in 1994: "Today, GOP ...

ABC Champions 'Star Power' of 'Megawatt Political Giants' First Lady, Bill Clinton and, Sort of, Palin

"Star power: Three megawatt political giants hit the campaign trail," Diane Sawyer touted at the top of Tuesday's World News, focusing on "Michelle Obama now joining former President Bill Clinton ...

CBS Befuddled by How Tea Party Candidates Have Survived Despite Their 'Unusual Assertions'

ABC, CBS and NBC all ran full stories Monday night on how an old video clip showed Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell talking about how, as a high-schooler, she had "dabbled ...

NBC's Brian Williams Gives Jimmy Carter a Platform to Denounce Fox News: 'No Regard for the Truth'

In selecting which excerpts, from his sit-down with former President Jimmy Carter, to showcase on Monday's NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams decided to highlight Carter's blast at Fox News for ...

CBS Begins Media's Rehabilitation of 'Fantastic' Jimmy Carter, 'Cursed' Presidency Actually More Successful Than Reagan's

Lesley Stahl trumpeted on 60 Minutes: "Jimmy Carter argues that despite the image of failure, he actually had a long list of successes, starting with bringing all the hostages home alive," as if ...

Tea Parties Will Lead to 1964-Like Goldwater Debacle...No, Make that a 1972-Like McGovern Drubbing

On Wednesday, CBS's Bob Schieffer contended the rise of Tea Party candidates "is very much like 1964" when they went to the right "and they lost in a landslide." On Sunday morning, another liberal ...

Evan Thomas on Ending Bush Tax Rates: 'God Knows the Federal Government Desperately Needs that Revenue'

Newsweek veteran Evan Thomas issued a ringing call ' in defense of federal spending ' for why he hopes Congress and President Obama cannot agree on extending any of the Bush tax cuts, so income ...

CBS Dishonestly Touts 'Non-Partisan Watchdog' Group's Quest for a 'Criminal Investigation' of Christine O'Donnell

"There are calls for a criminal investigation of another rising GOP star," Katie Couric teased at the top of the CBS Evening News, after citing Sarah Palin's speaking appearance in Iowa, as she ...

ABC Champions White House's 'Greatest Hits of the Stimulus Program,' Sawyer Trumpets 'We Have the List!'

ABC whored itself out Thursday night to an effort by the White House to prove its "stimulus" spending created a lot of jobs. "Still ahead on World News," an easily impressed Diane Sawyer hyped, ...

Citing Wins by 'Fringe Candidates,' Couric Regurgitates Concern Moderate Republicans Becoming an 'Endangered Species'

Following a story on how "big primary victories by fringe candidates open a rift in the GOP," which warned "moderate Republicans worry that if the Tea Party movement drives the GOP too far to the ...

CBS Slams O'Donnell as 'Ultra-Conservative' and Sees Repeat of 1964, Touts Public Siding with Obama on Economy and Taxes

The night after a Tea Party candidate in Delaware stunned the GOP establishment, the CBS Evening News blamed voter "anger," tried to marginalize Christine O'Donnell as an "ultra-conservative," ...

New NBC Show Turns Conservative Hypocrite Into Liberal Hero - But Even MSM Ridicules Plot

NBC Wednesday night (10 PM EDT/PDT, 9 PM CDT) debuts a new drama, Outlaw, centered on a conservative Supreme Court justice who, as a gambler and a philander, is a hypocrite played by Jimmy Smits. ...