Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

Pressure Grows on Team Obama After Helpful Security Leaks to the New York Times

Two front-page scoops that portray the president as a strong, tough-on-terror leader clearly provided the perspective of Obama insiders. Sen. Lindsey Graham asked Attorney General Eric Holder: ...
Media Research Center

Suddenly, George W. Bush Is a 'Mainstream Republican' at the New York Times

Jim Rutenberg on the "mainstream Republicanism" of...George W. Bush? to make the Tea Party movement look out of step. "But tough talk about the state of the party on Monday by former Gov. Jeb ...
Media Research Center

Times Compares Newt Gingrich to Dictator Hugo Chavez's Right-Hand Man

Is recent Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, who was freely elected over and over to the U.S. House of Representatives and then elevated by his peers there to the speakership, ...
Media Research Center

Liptak's Latest Odd NYTimes Attack on the Supreme Court Before a Crucial Decision

Another day, another out-of-nowhere attack by New York Times reporter Adam Liptak on the Supreme Court, as it waits to hear a case important to liberals. "Nine times so far this year, the ...
Media Research Center

How Dare They: GOP 'Hijacked the News Cycle' to Exploit Obama's 'Six Words' on Private Sector 'Doing Fine,' Says NYT's Calmes

Jackie Calmes' "Six Words From Obama, and a Barrage in Return From Republicans" hints strongly that the Republicans are unfairly exploiting President Obama's gaffe that "the private sector is ...
Media Research Center

Classy Krugman: NYT Book Review Editor Sam Tanenhaus 'Very Much a Neocon' for Running Mild Criticism Of His New Book

Times columnist Paul Krugman displayed his usual class and charm in a speech to the left-wing Netroots Nation on Saturday morning, calling Times Book Review editor Sam Tanenhaus "very much a ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Harwood Leans on Discredited Exit Poll to Paint Brighter Picture for Obama in Wisconsin

Times reporter John Harwood sees a bright spot for Obama in Wisconsin even in the aftermath of Republican Gov. Scott Walker's big win: "But among those voting, exit polls showed, Mr. Obama was ...

NYT Under Attack From Both Sides of Congress for Leaks That Make Obama Look Tough on Terror

The New York Times denies receiving intelligence leaks from the Obama administration, but congressmen in both parties have criticized the paper: "...Democratic Sen. John Kerry, chairman of the ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes' Myopic Take on Wisconsin: All About 'Stunning Amount' Spent by 'Corporate Interests and Billionaires'

The New York Times predictably emphasized the "stunning amount" of money spent during Republican Scott Walker's successful defense of his governor's seat in Wisconsin (an expensive election ...
Media Research Center

As Obama-Care Decision Looms, NYTimes Front Odd Poll Saying Conservative Decisions Have Hurt SCOTUS's Status

Supreme Court reporter Adam Liptak blames two Supreme Court decisions hated by the Times for the alleged decline in people's trust in the Court: "The decline in the court’s standing may stem in ...
Media Research Center

Alarmist NYT Environmental Reporter Justin Gillis Fears 'Mass Extinctions' on Horizon

The paper's most alarmist environmental reporter Justin Gillis is at it again: "The earth could be nearing a point at which sweeping environmental changes, possibly including mass extinctions, ...
Media Research Center

NYT Devotes Front of Home Section to Romney-Bashing From the Candidate's Snotty Liberal Neighbors

Times reporter Michael Barbaro finds Mitt Romney too square for his hip California neighborhood: "And personal politics is fueling their frustration as much as anything else, several days of ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes' Myopic Take on Wisconsin: All About 'Stunning Amount' Spent by 'Corporate Interests and Billionaires'

The New York Times predictably emphasizes the "stunning amount" of money spent during Scott Walker's successful defense of his governor's seat in Wisconsin (an expensive election held solely ...
Media Research Center

Speaker Boehner Bashes NYT's Charlie Savage for False Reporting on Fast and Furious Scandal

House Speaker John Boehner accuses New York Times reporter Charlie Savage of filing a false story on Fast and Furious, which resulted in an edit. Savage's coverage of the Justice Department's ...
Media Research Center

Maureen Dowd Compares Catholic Church's 'Hostility' to Women to Saudi Arabia (Again!)

Really? The New York Times columnist is at it again: "The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, which seems as hostile to women as the Saudi Committee for the Promotion of Virtue ...
Media Research Center

Scott Walker Wins Handily in Wisconsin, NYTimes Sees Loss of 'Political Civility' in the State

The New York Times confessed that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's win was a "painful blow" to unions and Democrats, while suggesting his reforms were to blame for the loss of "political civility" in ...

The NYT Again Suggests Cutting Back on 'Wasteful' Drugs...But Is That the Only Goal?

Is the New York Times pushing universal coverage by advocating curbing health care costs and limits on use of painkillers and other care? Dotted throughout the paper's health reporting are ...
Media Research Center

NYT Lets Uncredible, Racially Inflammatory Al Sharpton Rhapsodize on Civil Rights Legacy of James Brown

Al Sharpton, the veteran Democratic activist and racial provocateur who hosts a show on MSNBC, reviewed a James Brown biography for the Times Book Review and was interviewed in the Reviews' ...
Media Research Center

Times' Frank Bruni Approves of Bloomberg's Big Gulp of Government Authoritarianism in New York City

New York Times columnist Frank Bruni embraces Bloomberg's supersized soda ban, mocks fat Iowans: "We’re fat, folks. Seriously, dangerously fat. And you don’t need statistics to tell you that; ...
Media Research Center

After Three Years, It's Still Not His Fault: NYT's Calmes, Krugman Lament Economic Recovery Out of Obama's Hands

Poor President Obama; after over three years in office, he is still helpless as a newborn when it comes to changing the economy for the better. Times reporter Jackie Calmes: "Yet his proposed ...