Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Birthers vs. Truthers: The New York Times' Double Standard on Conspiracy Theories

Birthers vs. Truthers: The New York Times' double standard on conspiracy theories. While GOP response to a Times poll question on Obama's birthplace has caused anxiety and discussion, the paper ...

Times Anti-Bush Foreign Policy Voice Doubts Obama on Libya: 'Is This Any Way to Fight a War?'

NYT foreign policy maven David Sanger was a harsh critic of Bush's foreign policy philosophy, mocking him as an incurious George overseas, making his blunt lack of confidence in Obama's Libya ...

Birthers vs. Truthers: The Times' Double Standard on Conspiracy Theories

Birthers vs. Truthers: The Times' double standard on conspiracy theories. While GOP response to a Times poll question on Obama's birthplace has caused anxiety and discussion, the paper has ignored ...

Etiquette Columnist Takes Time to Write Chiding Note to WI Gov. Scott Walker

Thank you for the insight, etiquette columnist: "Teachers are so embattled these days, we should all take a moment to thank them - even the governor of Wisconsin, who wouldn't have gotten where he ...

The Times Marks Easter In Its Own Way: Gay Activism

Uh, hooray? Austin Considine: "As the tranquil tones of church bells and choirs usher in another Easter Sunday, you may hear stirrings of controversy beneath those sounds - set to the pounding of ...

New DNC Head 'Youngest, Smartest, Funniest, Toughest'; Has 'Fund-Raising Prowess,' 'Legendary...Indefatigability'

Lizette Alvarez gushes over new Democratic National Committee head Debbie Wasserman Schultz, aka Superwoman: "With her trademark curls, Ms. Wasserman Schultz has long been one of the '-est' girls: ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note: Stop Spending Cuts or People Will 'Starve to Death'

Plus: Pulitzer Prize-winning economics writer David Leonhardt has a brilliant solution to all budget problems: Tax hikes. And "Mr. Obama knows his hoops."

Stop Spending Cuts or People Will 'Starve to Death'

Plus, check out Pulitzer Prize-winning economics writer David Leonhardt's simple solution to budget woes: Raise taxes. And "Mr. Obama knows his hoops."

Duke Lacrosse Accuser Charged With Murder, Makes B14; NYT Trumpeted Her Rape Hoax in 5,000-word Lead

Crystal Mangum, a name the Times would just as soon forget. The paper buried on B14 the news of murder charges filed against Mangum, the stripper who falsely accused three Duke lacrosse players of ...

Times Shields Disgraceful Goldstone Report Claiming Israel Targeted Civilians: 'Investigator On Gaza Was Guided By His Past'

Judge Richard Goldstone, author of the notorious Goldstone report that blamed Israel, but not Hamas, for targeting citizens, has personally retracted the report's most incendiary charges. Yet the ...

Jon Huntsman Jr., the Latest McCain-Style Moderate Republican Pushed by the Times

Why is the Times celebrating potential Obama 2012 opponent Jon Huntsman Jr., Obama's ambassador to China, whose man fan base are former staffers for fellow conservative-tweaker John McCain? ...

NYT's David Leonhardt, Pulitzer Prize Winner for Commentary, Loves Obama-Care and Higher Taxes

Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times economics writer David Leonhardt's "graceful penetration" of American wallets: He has called on Obama to break his promise not to raise taxes on those making ...

David Leonhardt, Pulitzer Prize Winner for Commentary, Loves Obama-Care and Higher Taxes

Pulitzer Prize-winning economics writer David Leonhardt's "graceful penetration" of American wallets: He has called on Obama to break his promise not to raise taxes on those making under $250,000 ...

Times Celebrates Murdered Pro-Hamas Activist on Front Page, Almost Ignores Young Hamas Victim

"For Vittorio Arrigoni, an Italian pro-Palestinian activist who friends said fought peacefully for justice, the end was as violent as it was incongruous....Mr. Arrigoni had dedicated his life to ...

'The New Extremism' of the Republican Party...Just Like the Old Extremism

The Republican Party is fully engaged in a fight "to liberate business and the rich from the inconveniences of oversight and taxes. At first it seemed that only a few freshmen and noisy followers ...

Times Leaps on Gov. Christie's Mild 'Violent Imagery,' Ignores Much Harsher Democratic Attacks on GOP Pols

Christie's metaphor to reporters about "taking a bat" to a Democratic critic gets a full story in the Times. Yet Democratic pols who talk about "blowing the brains out" of one Republican, or ...

Keller Claims He Doesn't Take Stands Against Wars, But Said Iraq 'Going Very Badly' in 2007

Executive Editor Bill Keller: "As editor of The Times, I don't take stands for or against wars, old ones in Iraq or new ones in Libya, lest my opinions be mistaken for the guiding doctrine of our ...

The Times Just Keeps Getting the Max Cleland Ad Wrong

Jackie Calmes: "For many actual Democrats, Mr. Chambliss remains negatively defined by his 2002 defeat of Senator Max Cleland, a triple-amputee veteran of Vietnam, after a campaign that included ...

The Times Just Keeps Getting the Max Cleland Ad Wrong

Jackie Calmes: "For many actual Democrats, Mr. Chambliss remains negatively defined by his 2002 defeat of Senator Max Cleland, a triple-amputee veteran of Vietnam, after a campaign that included ...

Tax Me Please, Says Columnist Kristof, While Calling for Defense Cuts as Libya Hawk

Kristof: "President Obama in his speech on Wednesday confronted a topic that is harder to address seriously in public than sex or flatulence: America needs higher taxes....We need to have a frank ...