Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Reducing Early-Voting Window by GOP a 'Modern Whiff of Jim Crow'

From Monday's lead editorial: "The biggest part of that effort, imposing cumbersome requirements that voters have a government ID, has been painted as a response to voter fraud, an essentially ...

The Times Gives Andrew Breitbart His Due on Weiner-Gate, Admits Press Holds Him at Arms Length

Times media reporters confess the press is uneasy with conservative journalist Andrew Breitbart: "[He] remains a hero among many conservatives even while many liberals and members of the ...

James Dao Hails Anti-War GOP on Front Page, Latest Snipe Against Afghanistan War

James Dao makes the front page again with another story critical of the Afghanistan war, this time heralding a conservative congressman as "the leading edge of a conservative movement to rein in ...

NYT's Middle East Morality: Israel Border Defense Makes Front Page, Mass Syrian Massacres on A-12

While Israel's armed response to the attempted invasion on its border with Syria made Monday's front page, Syrian authorities themselves have slaughtered over 1,000 of its rebelling citizens, ...

Bill Keller: You'd Have to Be a Conspiracy Theorist Not to Believe the New York Times

The paper's executive editor Bill Keller laments that "Suspicion hardens into full-blown conviction when people lose faith in authorities" like the New York Times. Keller approvingly quotes ...

The 'Fiercely Principled' Jack Kevorkian Helped 'Spur the Growth of Hospice Care'

A Times obituary for Jack Kevorkian, who practiced ad-hoc euthanasia, gave him credit for principle while eliding much of his creepiness, recounted by a fellow Times reporter: "Kevorkian was ...

No Longer Fit to Print: Jill Abramson's Religious Worship of the NY Times

Incoming New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson's described her life-long religious love for the Times to a reporter for the paper: "In my house growing up, The Times substituted for ...

No Longer Fit to Print: Abramson's Religious Worship of the Times

Incoming Executive Editor Jill Abramson's described her life-long religious love for the Times to a reporter for the paper: "In my house growing up, The Times substituted for religion. If The ...

Keller Snipes at Fox and 'Mumbling' Murdoch, Hypocritically Ducks 'Baseball Bat' Offer

Bill Keller may be resigning from the top job at the Times, but his hostility for Rupert Murdoch and Fox News remains: "There are commentators on Fox News who, if they didn't have The New York ...

Times Initially Omits John Edwards' Party ID After Indictment; Quick to Label Troubled GOP

Katharine Seelye's initial online report on the indictment on campaign finance violations of John Edwards, the former senator and 2008 Democratic presidential candidate left out one crucial word: ...

Meet the NY Times' New Liberal Boss, Jill Abramson, Champion of Anita Hill

Jill Abramson, who will become New York Times executive editor in September, still holds a grudge over how Anita Hill was treated during the Thomas hearings (and wrote "Strange Justice," a ...

Bill Keller Resigns as NYT Editor, Reporter Hails His 'Great Journalistic Distinction' Really?

In the wake of Bill Keller's surprise resignation as editor of the New York Times, a reporter there hails Keller's "eight years of great journalistic distinction." Times Watch begs to differ (see ...

Meet the Times' New Liberal Boss, Jill Abramson, Champion of Anita Hill

Jill Abramson, who will become Times executive editor in September, still holds a grudge over how Anita Hill was treated during the Thomas hearings (and wrote "Strange Justice," a Thomas-hostile ...

Bill Keller Resigns as Exec. Editor, Reporter Hails His 'Great Journalistic Distinction.' Really?

In the wake of Bill Keller's surprise resignation as editor of the New York Times, a reporter there hails Keller's "eight years of great journalistic distinction." Times Watch begs to differ (see ...

Times Pushes Tornadoes As Economic Stimulus

Frederic Bastiat, call your office: "There is no silver lining to a funnel cloud, as anyone who survived the tornadoes can attest, but reconstruction can help rebuild local economies as well as ...

Jackie Calmes: Republicans Don't Understand How Important Increasing Debt Limit Is

Jackie Calmes on those dumb Republicans insisting on fiscal accountability: "Many Republicans have also made comments indicating that they do not understand or do not care that an increase in the ...

Loathing U.S. Wars Is So 2003: Libyans Love America

Libyans love America and the Obama administration, says reporter Rod Nordland: "Americans and, for that matter, all Westerners are treated hereabouts with a warmth and gratitude rarely seen in any ...

NY Times Says Win in NY Special Election 'Galvanizing for Democrats,' Dismissed GOP After 2009 Wins

New York Times reporter Carl Hulse on Democratic prospects for 2012: "But the victory in New York was galvanizing for Democrats, and for now at least has given them confidence that they can use ...

Times Praises New Dem from 'Devout' Catholic Family, Skips Her Abortion Endorsements

Raymond Hernandez: "Ms. Hochul, 52, startled the national political establishment last week, capturing a Congressional seat that had been in Republican hands for 40 years. But those who know her ...

Michael Shear Sour Over Sarah Palin's Lack of Respect for Mainstream Media

Michael Shear sounds sour over Sarah Palin's lack of attention to the media on her Memorial Day bus trip: "Sarah Palin has apparently decided that she can treat the media any way she wants - and ...