Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

When It Comes To Bashing Murdoch, Joe Nocera Knows Nothing, Says Taranto

Joe Nocera devotes two columns to piling on Rupert Murdoch and his American media properties: "The Wall Street Journal has been Fox-ified....Rupert Murdoch, despite giving us Homer Simpson, ...

Year Before Truth Emerged, NYT Reports Vindicated Atlanta School Leader in Cheating Scandal

The Times, on top of the big stories. Lead sentence to its August 10, 2010 report vindicating the Atlanta school system: "The Atlanta public school system was substantially vindicated Monday when ...

NYT's James Traub on John Kerry, Latest 'Decent, Serious, Honorable' Dem Destroyed by 'Republican Attack Machine'

New York Times Magazine writer James Traub on mistreated John Kerry: "Kerry seemed to be the latest in a long line of decent, serious, honorable Democratic presidential candidates cut to ribbons ...

James Traub on John Kerry, Latest 'Decent, Serious, Honorable' Dem Destroyed by 'Republican Attack Machine'

Magazine writer James Traub on poor, mistreated John Kerry: "The last time most Americans saw John Kerry, he was tying himself in knots trying to rebut the charge that he was for the war in Iraq ...

Days Later, Times Plants Bachmann 'Gay Therapy' Story on Sunday Front Page

Sheryl Gay Stolberg traveled to Minnesota to pile on the Bachmanns days after a hidden-camera investigation ran on two networks: "Yet her position has also become a distraction for her campaign, ...

Times Critics Vindicated: Public Editor Dresses Down Dubious Article Critical of Natural Gas Industry

Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane concluded of Ian Urbina's controversial front-page Sunday story on natural gas: "...such a pointed article needed more convincing substantiation, more space for ...

Since When? NYT Claims Obama 'Wants Deficit Reduction'; G.O.P. Has 'Problematic' Budget Philosophy

New York Times reporter Jackie Calmes hits conservatives for outdated "starve-the-beast" governing philosophy, wonders why Obama isn't getting credit for his politically motivated budget-cutting ...

Paul Krugman Diagnoses the G.O.P.'s Mental Health

Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman explains it all: "A number of commentators seem shocked at how unreasonable Republicans are being. 'Has the G.O.P. gone insane?' they ask. Why, yes, it has."

Former SCOTUS Reporter Greenhouse Praises Kagan, Hits 'Mean-Spirited...Immature' Justice Scalia

Former Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse crowns new liberal Justice Elena Kagan winner of the Supreme Court's just-concluded term, a "distinctive voice" who still "has light years to go ...

Former Reporter Egan Compares Violent Seattle 'Anarchists' to Budget-Cutting GOP

Former reporter Timothy Egan sleazily likens Republican "anarchists" in Congress to the violent leftist mob who rampaged through Seattle in 1999: "The loafers may want to retreat to their wine ...

Since When? Budget-Cutting Obama 'Wants Deficit Reduction'; G.O.P. Has 'Problematic' Budget Philosophy

Reporter Jackie Calmes hits conservatives for an outdated and "problematic" "starve-the-beast" governing philosophy, and wonders why Obama isn't getting credit for his abrupt, politically ...

One of Obama's Emotional Arguments for Obama-Care Proven Wrong in NYT Staffer's New Book

"The White House on Wednesday declined to challenge an account in a new book that suggests that President Obama, in his campaign to overhaul American health care, mischaracterized a central ...

Editor Bill Keller Wishes His Staff Would Stop Writing All These Books

Bill Keller hints his news staff is spending too much time writing books about their pets and concludes: "We indulge our writers because we want the talent happy, and because a little of their ...

Times Reporter Discusses Squelching of WikiLeaks, Leaves Out Her PR Work for Group

Contributing writer Jennifer 8. Lee discusses the persecution of the anti-American anti-secrecy group Wikileaks, but doesn't mention she did publicity work for them last year: "The control that ...

The Times' Main Economics Writer Pushes a Familiar Budget Solution: Tax Hikes

You'll never guess what the paper's chief economics writer David Leonhardt thinks would be a good solution to the debt ceiling/budget crisis. Or maybe you will: "In the end, the most likely tax ...

Lead Story Warns G.O.P. Spending Cut Demands May Trigger Financial Crisis, Damage Party

Jackie Calmes gives the Republican Senate leader a backhanded compliment: "While Mr. McConnell's plan would face an array of political and perhaps constitutional issues, it signaled that ...

Obama 'Repositioning' as a 'Pragmatic Centrist'...But the NYT Has Claimed for Years That He Already Is

But the New York Times has spent three years telling us he already was a centrist! Jackie Calmes claims that President Obama "put on full display his effort to position himself as a pragmatic ...

Columnist Defends Murdoch as Good for Newspapers While Blasting 'Right-Wing Demagoguery' at Fox

Times international columnist Roger Cohen manages to defend Rupert Murdoch's contributions to keeping newspaper journalism relevant while still excoriating the "shrill right-wing demagoguery" of ...

Obama 'Repositioning' as a 'Pragmatic Centrist'...But the NYT Has Claimed for Years That He Already Is

But the Times has spent three years telling us he already was a centrist! Jackie Calmes claims that President Obama "put on full display his effort to position himself as a pragmatic centrist ...

Saving the Economy Through More Jobless Benefits, Food Stamps

Are jobless benefits and food stamps the only hope for keeping the economy afloat? Motoko Rich: "Unless hiring picks up sharply to compensate, economists fear that the lost income will further ...