Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Again? Another NY Times Columnist Compares Tea Party to Terrorist Group

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman: "If sane Republicans do not stand up to this Hezbollah faction in their midst, the Tea Party will take the G.O.P. on a suicide mission."

David Leonhardt: All True 'Fiscal Conservatives' Support Tax Increases

David Leonhardt pens his last economics column before becoming Washington bureau chief, and encapsulates his liberal conventional wisdom: "We know that the federal government has promised more ...

Again? Another Times Columnist Compares Tea Party G.O.P. to Terrorist Group

Thomas Friedman: "[The Tea Party] is so lacking in any aspiration for American greatness, so dominated by the narrowest visions for our country and so ignorant of the fact that it was not tax cuts ...

11-0: Still No Liberals in the Debt Ceiling Debate

The last two Times lead stories on the debt ceiling debate have featured 11 "conservative" labels and zero "liberal" ones.

No Liberals in the Debt Ceiling Debate?

Jackie Calmes and Carl Hulse find lots of "conservatives" but zero liberals in their lead story Tuesday.

World Ends, Hispanics, Blacks (But Not Asians?) Hardest Hit

"Recession Study Finds Hispanics Are Hit Hardest Sharp Wealth Decline - Group's Median Level Fell 66% in 4 Years Blacks Hit, Too." But why were Asians left out of the headline? Their median ...

Kristof Compares Tea Party 'Budget Maniacs' to Al Qaeda Terrorists, Threat to National Security

Columnist Nicholas Kristof: "Well, wake up to the national security threat. Only it's not coming from abroad, but from our own domestic extremists....the biggest threat to America's national ...

Times Food Writer Mark Bittman Wants Big Government to 'Fix' Your Diet with Higher Taxes

Mark Bittman: "That 'other force' should be the federal government, fulfilling its role as an agent of the public good and establishing a bold national fix....public health is the role of the ...

Cohen Smears Palin, Gingrich, Other 'Ideological Fellow Travelers' of Norway Mass Murderer

Roger Cohen smears Sarah Palin, shows his ignorance: "When Jared Loughner shot Representative Gabrielle Giffords this year in Tuscon [sic], Arizona - after Sarah Palin placed rifle sights over ...

Times Highlights Tenuous 'Anti-Muslim' U.S. Links to Norway Terrorist on Front Page

Scott Shane: "...the mass killings in Norway, with their echo of the 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City by an antigovernment militant, have focused new attention around the ...

NYT Sees More Danger After 'Christian Extremist' Attack in Norway; Found 'Understanding' for Muslim Bombers of London in 2005

While the Times showed no reluctance to identify the lone gunman in the Norway attacks as a "Christian extremist" in a front-page headline and hinted at more danger from "right-wing extremists" in ...

Tax-Loving, Obama-Defending NYT Writer Leonhardt Rises to Washington Bureau Chief

David Leonhardt, the New York Times' chief economics writer, has insisted on "the upside of paying more taxes' and has twice claimed big-spending Obama was in fact a "fiscal conservative." Three ...

Tax-Loving, Obama-Defending Writer David Leonhardt Rises to Washington Bureau Chief

Leonhardt, the Times' chief economics writer, has insisted on "the upside of paying more taxes' and has twice claimed the big-spending Obama was in fact a "fiscal conservative." Three months ago ...

Art Critic Celebrates Nostalgia for Soviet Union Over Headline 'When Repression Was a Muse'

Art critic Holland Cotter found Soviet-style tyranny in the free market: "Free-market capitalism brought its suppressions and exclusions, as artists discovered. Among other things, some felt, it ...

Stelter Paints Far-Left Fox-Bashers as Harmless 'Public Interest' 'Media Reform Group'

Reporter Brian Stelter doesn't tip his readers off on the far-left background of the Murdoch attackers at Free Press, or its funding by George Soros: "But media reform groups like Free Press, ...

David Leonhardt (Once Again) on Obama the 'Fiscal Conservative'

Here we go again; David Leonhardt praises Obama the "fiscal conservative." "He takes on the moderate role of fiscal conservative, looking to cut spending and increase taxes on the affluent."

NYT Lead: 'Bipartisan Plan For Budget Deal Buoys President...House Republicans Face Intensifying Pressure to Avoid Isolation'

Jackie Calmes and Jennifer Steinhauer celebrate a "four-page outline" from a group of senators as a victory for Obama: "Financial markets rallied on the news. And with time running out before the ...

In Loaded Bachmann Coverage, Stolberg Emphasizes Migraines Linked to 'Depression' and 'Work Loss'

Times leads the way with its Bachmann "migraine" coverage, linking migraines to depression and other electorally damaging ailments: "Migraines are three times more common among women than men, the ...

NYT's Landler Sighs Along with Obama on 'Frustrating,' 'Unreasonable' 'Intransigence of the Republicans'

NY Times White House reporter Mark Landler takes sides, shares Obama's frustration with GOP: "And I think the frustration the president has, is, 'Look, I've come three-quarters the way to your ...

Landler Sighs Along With Obama on 'Frustrating,' 'Unreasonable' 'Intransigence of the Republicans'

White House reporter Mark Landler takes sides, shares the president's frustration with Republicans: "And I think the frustration the president has, is, 'Look, I've come three-quarters the way to ...