Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Suicide Pilot Joe Stack's 'Anti-Tax Rage' Makes Him Tea Party Sympathizer?

Columnist Frank Rich leaves out Austin suicide pilot Joe Stack's anti-Bush, pro-Communist rants to paint him as a Tea Party sympathizer: "Stack was a lone madman, and it would be both glib and ...

After Ignoring Tea Party Beginnings, NYT Quickly Fawns Over Lefty Coffee Party: No Anger or Astroturf Here

After ignoring the initial stirrings of the fast-growing Tea Party movement for several weeks, the Times quickly jumps on the Coffee Party bandwagon, an alternative that just happens to be filled ...

It's Alive! (Again): Times Reporter Once Again Hails Resurrection of Obama-Care

Reporter David Herszenhorn hailed the health summit as Obama's "grand gesture of bipartisanship," opined that Obama's massive remaking of U.S. health care was "a largely middle-of-the-road ...

NYT's Roger Cohen Wants Gov. Health Care: 'It Would Involve 300 Million People Linking Arms'

New York Times columnist Roger Cohen: "The public option, not dead, would amount to recognition of shared interest in each other's health and of the need to use America's energies and resources ...

Obama's Sweet Reasoning, 'Consensus-Building' Falls on Deaf Ears in D.C.

Why won't Washington heed Obama's reasoning? Sheryl Gay Stolberg ponders: "Ever since his days as a young community organizer in Chicago, Mr. Obama has held fast to the belief that by listening ...

Roger Cohen Wants Gov. Health Care: 'It Would Involve 300 million People Linking Arms'

Columnist Roger Cohen: "The public option, not dead, would amount to recognition of shared interest in each other's health and of the need to use America's energies and resources better. It would ...

Jackie Calmes: No Reputable Economist Would Deny Success of Obama 'Stimulus'

Reporter Jackie Calmes is still adamant on the success of Obama's "stimulus" package: "The argument of whether or not the stimulus worked is a mostly political one. I mean, you can hardly find an ...

Zombies Ate My News Judgment: NYT Critic on 'Plausible Premise' of Lefty Horror Flick

Embracing left-wing environmental alarmism, New York Times movie critic John Anderson considers the new (purposely left-wing) zombie movie "The Crazies" to be "socially progressive cinema" made in ...

Zombies Ate My News Judgment: NYT Critic on 'Plausible Premise' of Lefty Horror Flick

Movie critic John Anderson embraces left-wing environmental alarmism, and considers the new zombie movie "The Crazies" "socially progressive cinema. Perhaps even to the public good."

'Fury' in 'Deeply Republican' Utah Over Designating National Monuments in Western U.S.

Reporter Kirk Johnson finds "vitriol among Western conservatives" over a Department of Interior proposal to designate huge blocks of land in Western states as national monuments. Did liberals ...

Zernike Smear Victim Calls for Her Firing, Retraction From NY Times

Young conservative author Jason Mattera responds to reporter Kate Zernike's smear of his CPAC speech as an appeal to "racial stereotypes."

Gov. Tim Pawlenty 'Encouraging People To Assault Government Property' Like Austin Suicide Pilot?

Columnist Gail Collins continued to express anxiety over CPAC speakers, even likening the rhetoric of Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty to Austin suicide pilot Joe Stack: "The overall strangeness of ...

Editor Richard Berke on the 'Feral' Tea Party Movement

Soon to be national editor Richard Berke: "In retrospect, it is tempting to see the Clinton impeachment as having ushered in the feral reality of politics today: the birthers, the Tea Party ...

At CPAC, NY Times Foreshadows Republican Troubles, Leaves Off Initial Racial Stereotype Charge

Reporter Kate Zernike's accusations of racial stereotyping by a speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference didn't make it into the print version of her story.

Of Course: Times Foreshadows Republican Troubles at CPAC (But No Racism?)

Kate Zernike's accusations of racial stereotyping by Jason Mattera, a speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference don't make it into the print edition of the Times.

Wishful Thinking on Obama-Care and Alan Simpson, Undeniable Conservative

Hopeful on health care? Reporter David Kirkpatrick on the Times' latest "Political Points" podcast: "And if they capture Osama bin Laden we might actually get a health-care bill this year."

Timothy Egan Goes to Olympics, Praises Canadian Care, Smears 'Heartless' Health Insurers

Former liberal reporter turned NYT blogger Timothy Egan blogs praise on Canada's health care system and smears U.S. health insurers: "They have universal health care, and while the system prompts ...

Surprise: Times Finds Racial Stereotyping at Conservative Convention

Don't mimic Chris Rock at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or Kate Zernike will suggest you're using racial stereotypes.

Ignoring Science, John Broder Chides Obama from Left on Promoting Nuclear Plants

The Times takes on Obama from the left on his commitment to building new nuclear power plants, quoting every environmentalist in Washington, but without explaining the sound science (and ...

Lefties (and the White House) Gush Over David Leonhardt's Stimulus Defense

David Leonhardt, the Times conscience on economics issues, celebrated the one-year anniversary of the Obama stimulus while attacking "hard-core skeptics" and pushing for yet another stimulus." The ...