Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

NYT on Latest Accusations of Bad Climate Science: Nothing Here But 'Half-Truths' From 'Right-Leaning' Skeptics

Elisabeth Rosenthal skips some highlights of the latest global warming controversy, involving bogus scientific claims on disappearing Himalayan glaciers. Rosenthal defends IPCC chairman Dr. ...

John McCain Pitted Against 'Far Right' J.D. Hayworth, Denouncer of Illegals, 'Those Who Are Insufficiently Patriotic'

John McCain, Times friend turned foe, is now a friend again, in the hope of keeping a "far right" candidate out of the U.S. Senate. Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer: "Yet Mr. McCain now finds himself ...

Will Palin's Palm Reading Make Her Less 'Authentic' in Conservative Eyes?

Reporter Kate Zernike mocks Palin's "seventh-grade style" crib notes at the Nashville "tea party" convention: Ask conservatives why they love Sarah Palin so and they will often say it is because ...

Stout Plays Up John Murtha's Anti-War Turn in Obit, But Omits Smear of Marines as Killers

David Stout's obituary for old-line Democratic Rep. John Murtha omitted the congressman's smear of Marines in Iraq, who he accused of killing Iraqi civilians "in cold blood."

Another Surprise: Kate Zernike Turns Out Fair Story on Tea Party Convention

Kate Zernike's Sunday front-page story on a Tea Party convention in Nashville lets participants have their say without rebuttal.

Surprise: Times Reporter Plays It Straight in Front Page Palin Profile

Mark Leibovich tones down the mocking attitude in his Saturday profile of Sarah Palin, who is "quietly assembling the infrastructure of an expanding political operation."

Times Ignored ACORN Scandal 6 Days - But Ran Stories on Arrest of 'Pimp' 5 Days in a Row

The Times took six days for one of its own reporters to acknowledge the ACORN scandal in print. But when ACORN "pimp" and hidden-camera conservative filmmaker James O'Keefe was arrested, the Times ...

Howell Raines: 'Conservative' Wins Elections Now Like 'Segregation' Did Before 1960

Former Executive Editor Howell Raines returns to the pages of the Times, but his op-ed on the origin of the civil rights movement is laced with nasty cracks at conservatives and Fox News: "Before ...

Nagourney Finds More Reasons for G.O.P. Pessimism: Lack of Leadership, Tea Partiers, Etc., Etc....

Chief political reporter Adam Nagourney spreads Republican pessimism on Sunday's front page: "At a moment of what appears to be great if unexpected opportunity, the Republican Party continues to ...

Barack Obama: Just Too Much of a Complex Pragmatist for Today's Voters to Figure Out

Never mind that enormous health-care plan and "stimulus" spending, Obama's really a complex pragmatist who may be just too nuanced for today's politics: "On this much, President Obama's friends ...

Jackie Calmes Twice Sees an Obama Goal of Budget 'Austerity'

No wonder it's so hard to cut federal spending: A limited "spending freeze" of $250 billion over three years, out of a 2001 budget of $3.8 trillion, is twice trotted out as a radical "austerity" ...

Another Liberal Attack on Republican Patriotism

While the Times routinely rebukes Republicans for allegedly questioning the patriotism of Democrats, columnist Frank Rich is free to claim that Republican "John McCain epitomizes the unpatriotic ...

New Englanders: Not Nearly as Smart as They Were Eight Months Ago

Columnist Charles Blow has a change of heart after the Mass. Senate election.

Sentences She'd Like to Have Back, Massachusetts Edition

Reporter Abby Goodnough awaits the crowning of the new senator representing Massachusetts, Martha Coakley, and columnist Charles Blow finds New Englanders have morphed from educated progressives ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note - Sentences She'd Like to Have Back, Massachusetts Edition

Plus: Read the desperate, denialist Democrat spin by Times columnists and reporters upon Scott Brown's shocking Mass. Victory, and learn why Rush is a particularly vile human being.

Justice Samuel Alito: This Year's Joe 'You Lie' Wilson?

Supreme Court reporter Adam Liptak finds both Obama and the Justice Sam Alito guilty of a "breach of decorum," Obama for attacking the Supreme Court's decision in his State of the Union address, ...

Krugman Not Taking Current Events Particularly Well

Obama administration: Not stupid (or evil) like Bush, but pretending to be.

Subscription Offer From Times Watch's Sister Organization, the Business and Media Institute

A subscription to the Business and Media Institute's newsletter The Balance Sheet will deliver informed analysis of anti-free market reporting to your inbox every week. It's a must if you want to ...

Obama Flubs Facts on Supreme Court Case, Carl Hulse Glides Right By

But his colleagues David Kirkpatrick and Linda Greenhouse nabbed Obama on his SOTU misstatement that: "Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special ...

More 'Hunger in America' Exaggerations Relayed By Jason DeParle

Reporter Jason DeParle plumps another exaggerated "hunger in America story" in Wednesday's paper. But he's been dead wrong about such issues before.