Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Oh, No! 'Deeply Red State' of Alabama May Go 'Even Redder'

Reporter Campbell Robertson can't get over how "deep-red" conservative his native state of Alabama is: "...the hostile reaction to Democrats over the past year has been intense enough to turn an ...

Presenting Times Watch's Top Ten Lowlights of the New York Times in 2009

2009 began as a year of smiles at the Times, with rapture over the historic Obama administration. But the smile curdled into a defensive snarl during the long hot summer of angry, white, and ...

NYT's Fashion Critic Praises Palin's Style - Then Ducks

Cathy Horyn favors Sarah Palin's fashion sense over Michelle Obama's, then braces for liberal brickbats: " seems to me that Sarah Palin, and not Mrs. Obama, is closer to how most of them ...

Shock: Even Conservative Texans Can Separate Personal From Political

Reporter James McKinley Jr. is surprised to find that "conservative" Texans will actually vote for openly gay candidates.

Happy Holidays: Maureen Dowd's Brother Kevin Takes Over

In the Christmas spirit, liberal Maureen Dowd hands her column over to her conservative brother Kevin. Sharp Democratic-bashing (and hatred from angry liberal readers) ensues. Happy Holidays indeed.

No Surprise: Liberal Supreme Court Reporter Linda Greenhouse Donated to Obama Campaign

Former New York Times Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse donated to the Obama campaign, she revealed in a column on stringent restrictions on campaign speech. That comes as no ...

Giuliani-Hostile Reporter Michael Powell Delivers Backhanded Praise to the 'Savonarola' of NYC

Michael Powell admitted many of the attacks on the 2008 Republican presidential candidate were caricatures. Among those who spread such caricatures: Times reporters like Powell.

Giuliani-Hostile Reporter Michael Powell Delivers Backhanded Praise to the 'Savonarola' of NYC

Giuliani-hostile reporter Michael Powell offered some backhanded praise to the former NYC mayor upon his retirement from seeking office: "If he was caricatured as a Savonarola for the 1980s, one ...

Giuliani-Hostile Reporter Michael Powell Delivers Backhanded Praise to the 'Savonarola' of NYC

Giuliani-hostile reporter Michael Powell offered some backhanded praise to the former NYC mayor upon his retirement from seeking office: "If he was caricatured as a Savonarola for the 1980s, one ...

Giuliani-Hostile Reporter Michael Powell Delivers Backhanded Praise to the 'Savonarola' of NYC

Giuliani-hostile reporter Michael Powell delivers some backhanded praise to New York's former mayor upon his retirement: "If he was caricatured as a Savonarola for the 1980s, one could argue that ...

Giuliani-Hostile Reporter Michael Powell Delivers Backhanded Praise to the 'Savonarola' of NYC

Giuliani-hostile reporter Michael Powell delivers some backhanded praise to New York's former mayor upon his retirement: "If he was caricatured as a Savonarola for the 1980s, one could argue that ...

Surprise: NYT Discovers Spending Money on Frail Elderly Not Always Useless

After months of Times stories pushing the need for limits on end-of-life care in the name of universal health care, reporter Reed Abelson looks at the other side and makes a shocking discovery: ...

No Surprise: Liberal Supreme Court Reporter Linda Greenhouse Donated to Obama Campaign

Retired Times reporter Greenhouse admits donating to the Obama campaign and frets about the prospect of "seeing democracy auctioned off to the highest bidder."

Times Whitewashes Sen. Whitehouse's Despicable Comments, But Goes After Conservative Sen. Coburn

Covering Sunday's Senate floor debate on Obama-care, the Times quotes Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse blasting Republicans for filibusters, but not his comparison of the GOP to Nazis and Jim ...

Reporter Hits 'Fear-Filled, Nationalistic Fervor' After 9-11 Attacks

Daniel Weintraub, reporter for the Times' expanded San Francisco-Oakland bureau, marinates in the area's leftism with a profile of radical anti-war Democrat Barbara Lee, the sole member of ...

Why Times Journalists Earn the Big Bucks

Cutting headlines revealing shining shards of meaning.

That Wacky South Carolina GOP!

Reporter Robbie Brown slips in some Democratic partisanship in a supposedly fun story about the wacky South Carolina GOP, quoting a Democratic official about the state as an accentuated microcosm ...

Frank Rich, Latest NYT Columnist to Suggest Enron (and Tiger Woods!) More Significant Than 9-11

Columnist Frank Rich joins his liberal colleague Paul Krugman in a strange need to downgrade the "one-off domestic terrorist attack" of September 11, suggesting that Enron and Tiger Woods (!) may ...

NYT Alone Rises to Clinton's Defense on New Scandal Revelations

While other media outlets emphasized a new book's revelations about Clinton's lies under oath and relationship with Whitewater figure Susan McDougal, the Times emphasizes allegations of the FBI's ...

FBI Sowing 'Anger and Fear' Among Muslims

The Times also ignores history in defending the Muslim "civil rights organization" the Council on American-Islamic Relations.