Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Michelle Obama Plays Santa Claus - Rachel Swarns Gifts Her With Gushing Coverage

Rachel Swarns continues to adore the first lady and her pet causes, filing two celebratory pieces, one calling Michelle Obama Santa Claus, the other celebrating the White House's ...

Seasons Greetings from the Media: The 'Atrocity' of Palin and Lieberman

What do journalists talk about at holiday parties? Obama's great speeches and the atrocity of Sarah Palin and Joe Lieberman, according to columnist David Brooks.

Presenting the Times Watch Quotes of Note 2009 Worst Quotes of the Year

We've compiled the absolutely most biased quotes that appeared in the Times in 2009, and picked the "winners" for the Times Quote of the Year.

Farewell Tour for Environmental Reporter (And Eco-Activist Songwriter) Andrew Revkin

During his tenure with the Times, Revkin stayed well within the bounds of liberal conventional wisdom on environmental issues like global warming and population. Today, we send him off with a song.

Just What the Country Needs: Professor 'Shining a Marxist Light' on Financial Crisis

At last, something relevant is being taught in college: "Sidney Plotkin, a professor of political science at Vassar College...began a new section of the course by exploring the housing bubble and ...

Quote of the Day: Harry Reid's Bling?

David Herszenhorn sees Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's outsized Democratic majority as "a chain around Mr. Reid's neck..."

Frank Rich, Still Searching for Political Relevance

And you thought "Up in the Air" was just holiday entertainment. Frank Rich tells us it's actually "using the power of pop culture to salve national wounds that continue to fester in the real world."

Sen. Joe Lieberman 'Capitol Hill's Master Infuriator' for Obama-Care Stand

Lieberman's opposition to a Medicare buy-in proposal and single-payer has frustrated Democrats (and Times reporters).

NY Times Laments Media the Wall Street Journal

Let no one say the New York Times is blind to media bias. It's uncovered it at the (conservative) New York Post and (conservative) Fox News - although admissions of the paper's own clear liberal ...

Movie Critic Dargis Angrily Demands More Female Film Directors

Movie reviewer Manohla Dargis demands more female directors and asks about the lack of same: "Feeling queasy yet? Resigned? Indifferent? A little angry?" Um, not yet.

Apocalypse Now: Melting Glaciers 'Threatening the Existence of Nearly 100 Million People'

It wouldn't be an enviro-scare story on climate change without a tasteless comparison to the 9-11 attacks: "Glaciers are part of the majestic landscape here, visible from almost everywhere in the ...

A Tale of Two Headlines

Hmmm. Evidently Obama-care is no longer a big news story at the Times. What other explanation could there be?

McCain's 'Sarcasm and Anger' Toward a President Is Once Again a Bad Thing

John McCain goes after Obama's policies, and reporter Adam Nagourney does not sound happy: "If Mr. McCain has had a history of being a happy warrior, that is not the phrase used by many of his ...

The Times Laments Media Bias - at the Wall Street Journal

Let no one say the Times is blind to media bias. It's uncovered it at the (conservative) New York Post and (conservative) Fox News, though admissions of the paper's own clear liberal tilt are few ...

Obama's Tradition of 'Favoring Pragmatism Over Absolutes'

The return of the pragmatic big-spending liberal, Barack Obama, at the Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech in Norway.

Times Doesn't Understand 'Feverish' 'Fuss' Over Downsized White House Hanukkah Party

A week after downplaying "non-religious Christmas" plans at the White House, the Times suggests complaints about the White House's downsized Hanukkah celebration are overdone.

Times Lauds Ted Kennedy's Likely Liberal Successor, Ignores Her Ties to Notorious 'Sex Abuse' Witchhunt

Martha Coakley will probably succeed Ted Kennedy as senator of Massachusetts, and the Times called attention to her speaking ability and composure, but not the part she played in justifying the ...

NYT Finds Climate Skeptics in Copenhagen

Tom Zeller Jr. stumbles upon some Copenhagen contrarians and treats them with some respect.

Ireland's 'Harshest Budget' Leaves No One 'Unscathed,' Reads Alleged News Story

Sarah Lyall reacts badly to spending cuts in Dublin. Confiscatory tax hikes are far more palatable to the Times' liberal world view.

Don't Worry, Obama Fans, It's Still All Bush's Fault

Jackie Calmes: "The president's pique at Republicans was evident before Wednesday's meeting, after 10 months in which they have opposed all of his major initiatives to address the problems he ...